Content Posted in 2013
2012 International Journal of Exercise Science Reviewer List
3-hydroxy-5alpha-androst-1-en-17-one enhances muscular gains but impairs the cardio-metabolic health of resistance trained males., Jorge Granados, Trevor Gillum, Cammie Hodges, and Matthew Kuennen
Accuracy of Various Newer Pedometers Placed at Different Body Sites, Victor Lee, Wonil Park, Byungmo Ku, and Hirofumi Tanaka
A Civil Engineering Student's Crash Course in Concrete Canoe Hull Design, Emily G. Mesker
A Clean Slate: Tablet Publishing for College Yearbooks, Samaul J. Oldenburg
A Collaborative Educational Innovation in an Old Order Mennonite Community, M. Susan Jones PhD, Maria E. Main DNP, and Dawn M. Garrett PhD
A Comparison of Self-Administered Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation To Static Stretching On Range of Motion and Flexibility, K. Gainey, J. Wicke, and M. Figueroa
A Comparison of Temperatures Inside Protective Headgear With Indicators of Physiological Strain and Core Temperatures During Exercise in a Hot Environment, Kelly R. James, Amy N. Adams, Kelli M. Crisp, Brian B. Franklin, Heather J. Heefner, Andreas Kreutzer, Diego X. Montalvo, Marcel G. Turner, Melody D. Phillips, and Joel B. Mitchell
Acquisition Delays Affect Lymphocyte Subset Counts but not Markers of Exercise-induced Apoptosis, Holly B. Kell, Guilherme Borges Pereira, Ramires Alsamir Tibana, Michael Jarrett, Mark A. Schafer, Jonato Prestes, Antonio Santo, and James W. Navalta
Activity-Specific Effects of Fatigue Protocols May Influence Landing Kinematics: A Pilot Study, Adrian Chavez, Duane Knudson, Rod Harter, and Kevin McCurdy
Acute Blood Pressure Response to Aquatic and Land Treadmill Exercise, Dustin P. Joubert, Alex T. Carradine, Brad S. Lambert, and Stephen F. Crouse
Acute Ingestion Of L-Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate Fails To Improve Muscular Strength And Endurance In ROTC Cadets, Benjamin Wax, Jerry J. Mayo, Laura A. Hilton, Harris C. Mareio, Justin D. Miller, Heather E. Webb, and Brian Lyons
Adair, John, 1757-1840 (SC 695), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Adairville Methodist Episcopal Sunday School - Logan County, Kentucky (SC 823), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Adams, Lura Alice (Hopper), 1903-1996 (MSS 454), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
A Descriptive Assessment of Fitness, Weight Status & Health of Delaware State University Students, K. Grimes, E. M. Jackson, and A. Shorter
A Discussion of Structural Analysis Techniques for Western Kentucky University's Concrete Canoe, "Courageous", Aaron J. Daley
Adolescent Cardiovascular Fitness Changes One Year Post Gastric-Band Surgery, L. Falini, G. Datto, K. Reichard, and M. Reed
Adolescent Strength and Body Composition Changes One Year Post Gastric-Band Surgery, B. Couper, L. Falini, G. Datto, K. Reichard, and M. Reed
Advancing theory and improving practice: Editors' notes 5(3), Andrew J. Bobilya and Raymond A. Poff
A Few Honest Words: the Kentucky Roots of Popular Music, Jason Howard
African Americans in Honors Programs, Sarah Rigsby, Destiny Savage, and Jorge Wellmann
A Further Look at the 1858 Wallace-Darwin Mail Delivery Question, Charles H. Smith
Age Differences in Reward Anticipation and Memory, Kristen L. Cushman
Age-related differences of microRNA-21 in leukocytes and its association with physical performance, Barbara Halper, Marlene Hofmann, Stefan Oesen, Karl-Heinz Wagner, and Barbara Wessner
Ages of Engagement in Risk Taking and Self-Harm: An Investigation of the Dual Systems Model of Adolescent Risk Taking, Brittany Dykstra
Agnes Gough, 1902-1988 (SC 648), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Ahart, Frances (Shaw), 1850-1894 (SC 946), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
A Hybrid Recommendation System Based on Association Rules, Ahmed Alsalama
Alaska and the Yukon: North to the Future, Connie Foster
Alexander, Fayette W. (LG 15), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Alfred Russel Wallace Notes 3: Two Early Publications, Charles H. Smith
Alfred Russel Wallace Notes 4: Contributions to The Garden, 1875-1912, Charles H. Smith
Allen County, Kentucky - Tax Records (MSS 483), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Allen, Edward (SC 870), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Allen, Mildred C., 1888-1978 - Collector (MSS 484), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Allison, Samuel C. (SC 945), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Allison, Young Ewing, 1853-1932 (SC 723), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Al's Bar - Lexington - Mural Dedication (FA 624), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
American Association of University Women - Bowling Green, Kentucky (SC 727), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
A Multi-Level Examination of Influenza Vaccination Disparities from the 2009 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, Kelsii Gerber
Analysis and Interpretation of the 2013 WKU Steel Bridge Competition, Dylan H. Ward
Analysis of Kyrock for Leaching of Impurities in Synthetic Rainwater, Santhosh Kumar Kasulavada
Analyzing and Solving Non-Linear Stochastic Dynamic Models on Non-Periodic Discrete Time Domains, Gang Cheng
Analyzing the Factors that Lead to Housing and Construction Cost Escalation: A Case Study Focused on Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Abdulaziz Saleh Alfouzan
An Analysis of Public Education Informatics, Brandon Moss
An Automatic Framework for Embryonic Localization Using Edges in a Scale Space, Zachary Bessinger
A New Class of Gold Nanoantibotics - Direct Coating of Ampicillin on Gold Nanoparticles, Dillon S. Pender
An Examination of Civic Engagement Behaviors Among Members of Social and Cultural Fraternities and Sororities, Gary Gribble Wiser Jr.
An Examination of the Potential Relationship Between Technology and Persistence Among At-Risk College Students, Aaron W. Hughey and Charlene Manco
An examination of wilderness first aid knowledge, self-efficacy, and skill retention, Scott A. Schumann, Tod Schimelpfenig, Jim Sibthorp, and Rachel Collins
An Interpretation of Genesis 1:1-2:3 in Light of Ancient Near Eastern Traditions and Modern-Day Science, Rebecca J. Morgan
A Novel Method For Assessing Cutaneous Reactive Hyperemia With Laser Speckle Contrast Imagery, C. C. Conlon, A. E. Stanhewicz, B. J. Wong, and L. Alexander-Holowatz
A Pilot Study Exploring the Quadratic Nature of the Relationship of Strength to Performance Among Shot Putters, Lawrence W. Judge, David Bellar, Ashley Thrasher, Laura Simon, Omar S. Hindawi, and Elizabeth Wanless
A Problem Solving Approach to Enterprise FileVault 2 Management and Integration, Nicholas Cobb
A psychometric investigation of the North Carolina Outward Bound Student Course Impression Scale, Brad Faircloth and Andrew J. Bobilya
A qualitative study of the perceived significant life outcomes of a university summer outdoor education course, Jennifer Wigglesworth and Paul Heintzman
Aquatic Treadmill Training Reduces Blood Pressure Reactivity to Acute Graded Exercise in Previously Sedentary Adults, Brad S. Lambert, Nicholas P. Greene, Dustin P. Joubert, Steven E. Riechman, James D. Fluckey, Stephen F. Crouse, and Alex T. Carradine
Are All Older Adult Transgressors Treated Equally?, Heather Marie Dahlgren
Are Teaching Effectiveness and Retention Influenced by Various Routes to Special Education Certification?, Steven A. Crites Dr., Bianca Prather-Jones, Rachelle M. Bruno, and Stephen C. Walker
A Review of Choice and Preference Assessments to Increase Academic Attainment for Autism Spectrum Disorders, Jamie Emery, Janet L. Applin, and Marty Boman
Armitage Family Papers (SC 668), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Arnold, Andrew (FA 592), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Artistic Anatomy: Utilizing Dancer's Individual Physicality within the Choreographic Process, Erin E. Finn
Artists in Residence - Bourbon County (FA 610), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Artists in Residence - Boyd County (FA 611), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Artists in Residence (FA 609), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Artists in Residence - Union County (FA 612), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Arts & Letters, The Magazine of Potter College at Western Kentucky University, Sally Ray, editor-in-chief; David Lee, Dean; and Potter College, Western Kentucky University
Arts & Letters, The Magazine of Potter College at Western Kentucky University, David Lee, Dean and Potter College, Western Kentucky University
Arts & Letters, The Magazine of Potter College at Western Kentucky University, Karen Schneider, Editor-in-Chief; David Lee, Dean; and Potter College, Western Kentucky University
Arts & Letters: The Magazine of Potter College at Western Kentucky University, David Lee, Dean; Kelly Scott, Managing Editor; and Potter College of Arts & Letters, Western Kentucky University
Ashland Oil & Refining Company - Ashland, Kentucky (SC 2791), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Assessing the Efficacy of a Modified Therapeutic Community on the Reduction of Institutional Write-Ups in a Medium Security Prison, Lee Wayne Maglinger, Aaron W. Hughey, and Monica Galloway Burke
Assessment of readjusting to life after completing a thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail, Benjamin Turley and Marni Goldenberg
Association Between Weight Loss and Physical Activity On Change In Blood Pressure In Overweight Adults, D. Garcia, K. Davis, D. Tate, K. Polzien, and J. Jakicic
Association of Cardiovascular Fitness and Metabolic Syndrome in Male Police Officers, Matthew S. Schmidt and Steve Martin
Association of Cardiovascular Fitness and Syndrome X in Male Firefighters, Adam C. Sanchez, Steven E. Martin, Brad S. Lambert, Alex Carradine, John S. Green FACSM, and Steve F. Crouse FACSM
Association of Venous Function and Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption, Eric Tisdell, Matthew C. Scott, Zeki Bahadir, Tracie Parish, Arturo Arce-Esquivel, Devon Dobrosielski, and Michael Welsch
A System of World Mammal Faunal Regions (pt.) II.The Distance Decay Effect upon Inter-Regional Affinities, Charles H. Smith
A System of World Mammal Faunal Regions (pt.) I. Logical and Statistical Derivation of the Regions, Charles H. Smith
Atkins, Andrew Ford, Jr., b. 1968 (SC 835), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Atkinson Collection (SC 715), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
At the Heart of It, Alixandra F. Mattingly
Attitudes Toward and Preferences for Male and Female Personal Trainers, James P. Fisher, Catherine Platts, and Marie Stopforth
Austin, Larry Wayne, b. 1971 (SC 855), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Australian Journal of Outdoor Education (AJOE) Table of Contents 16(1)
Australian Journal of Outdoor Education (AJOE) Table of Contents 16(2)
Averitt, Lewis H., 1812-1872 (SC 710), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Avian Abundance and Diversity in CREP and Fescue Fields in the Summer and Winter Related to Vegetation Structure in the Upper Green River Watershed, KY, Thomas A. Hulsey
Awbrey, Thomas, 1894-1973 (SC 785), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Backus, William, 1847-1938 - Relating to (SC 1101), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Banks and Banking (SC 664), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Baptists (SC 907), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Barnett, Charles Wesley (SC 1131), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Barnett, W. H. (SC 892), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Barr, Berenice (Owens), 1885-1977 and Lockwood Anderson Barr, 1883-1969 - Compilers (MSS 452), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Barren County, Kentucky - Court Records (SC 876), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Barren County, Kentucky - Court Records (SC 884), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Barren County, Kentucky - History (SC 930), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Barr, Lockwood Anderson, 1883-1969 (SC 2726), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Barrow, Merrill Alan, b. 1953? (SC 863), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Barter, Edwin Henry Steele, d. 1873 (SC 2698), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Baughn, Milton L. (SC 644), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Bay's Fork Association of the Baptist Church - Kentucky (SC 615), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Bay's Fork Association of United Baptists - Kentucky (SC 2735), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Beard, Thomas Houston, 1872-1956 (SC 2650), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Beatty, Roger Dean (SC 1039), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Behavioral Contract, Chesley Craine and Amy Lieber
Being the Beautiful Fool, Ashley N. Gore
Beller, William Y., 1834-1892 (SC 889), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Bell, Tennie Juliet (Odom), 1872-1943 (SC 74), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Benedict, Harrison, 1813-1900 (SC 2789), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Benign Conduction Abnormalities in Response to Acute, Moderately-High, Simulated Altitude Exposure, James B. Geeslin, Nicole E. Priest, Amy M. White, Matthew J. Garver, Libby E. McCurley, Joe D. Bell, Sheila A. Jones, and Dennis J. Kerrigan
Bennett, Edward Andrew, 1806-1867 (SC 2652), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Bennett, R. C. (SC 562), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Berg, Oddvar, 1914-1999 (MSS 177), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Beyond thrill-seeking: Exploring multiple motives for adventure participation, Susan Houge Mackenzie
Bibb, George Motier, 1776-1859 (SC 789), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Bilateral Isokinetic Torque Differences in Trained Swimmers, K. C. Bennett, M. J. McMahon, and S. Mookerjee
Biomechanical and Proprioceptive Differences during Drop Landings between Dancers and Non-dancers, Katie E. Volkerding and Caroline J. Ketcham Ph.D.
Biomechanical and Statistical Effects of Changing the Three-Point Line in Division III Women’s Basketball, Katelyn E. Bartell, Jimmy Smith, and Scott P. McLean
Blake, Rufus George, b. 1846 (SC 1095), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Blakey, Margoline (Pace), 1910-1999 (SC 869), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Blandford, Donald J., b. 1938 (SC 877), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Bland, Katherine "Kittie" (Sublett), 1860-1941 (MSS 485), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Bledsoe, Henry Payton, 1841-1907 (SC 918), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Blewett, Benjamin Turner, b. 1820 (SC 747), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Blohm, Amanda (SC 1129), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Boats and Boating (SC 909), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Boaz, Peggy Bradley, b. 1951 (SC 979), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Body Image and Associated Behaviors Among College-Aged Students, E. Miller, B. Larouere, and Carena S. Winters
Boldrick, Stacy (SC 1047), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Boles, C. E. (SC 599), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Boles, Monday, b. 1890? (SC 845), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Bones, Frogs, and Killers: The Corporeal Oppression of Women in the Patriarchal, Christian South, Shawna F. Felkins
Boone, Daniel, 1734-1820 (SC 689), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Borders, Forest, 1893-1971 (SC 1173), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Borders, Jeff (SC 1048), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Bosnian Immigrants: An Analysis of the Bosnian Community's Influence on the Cultural Landscape of Bowling Green, KY, Nathan Jess Cary
Botts, William H., 1824-1891 (SC 801), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Bowles, Orlando Charles, 1839-1896 (MSS 455), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Bowling Green City Council of Parents and Teachers - Bowling Green, Kentucky (SC 1085), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Bowling Green Female College - Bowling Green, Kentucky (SC 661), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Bowling Green Gas, Oil and Refining Company - Bowling Green, Kentucky (SC 2700), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Bowling Green Industrial Foundation - Bowling Green, Kentucky (SC 787), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Bowling Green, Kentucky - Civil War, 1861-1865 - Fortifications (SC 899), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Bowling Green, Kentucky Musical Fund Society (MSS 460), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Bowling Green, Kentucky - Parks and playgrounds (SC 993), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Bowling Green, Kentucky - Railroads (SC 969), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Bowling Green, Kentucky - Social life and customs, 1904 (SC 928), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Bowling Green Music Club - Bowling Green, Kentucky (MSS 457), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Bowling Green Railway Company - Bowling Green, Kentucky (SC 703), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Bowling Green Thespian Society - Bowling Green, Kentucky (SC 701), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Bowling Green Warren County Bicentennial Commission (MSS 122), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Boyd, Nan (SC 1049), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Boys Go Bush: Pedagogical insights to the experiences of New Zealand adolescents on solo, John R. Maxted
Bradburn, Ethel H., d. 1954 (SC 2740), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Bradley, Robert Michael, 1947-2006 (SC 843), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Braly, William D. (SC 1188), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Bramlette, Thomas Elliott, 1817-1875 (SC 720), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Bramlette, Thomas Elliott, 1817-1875 (SC 818), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Breaking the mold: Impacts of adventure education on girls, Anja Whittington and Nadine Budbill
Breckinridge, John, 1760-1806 (SC 608), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Breckinridge, Mary Carson, 1881-1965 (SC 1193), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Brewer, Jerry (SC 1050), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Briggs, Analee, 1905-1989 - Letter to (SC 1046), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Briggs, Thompson (LG 22), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Brown-Hodges Papers (SC 754), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Browning, George Strother, 1789-1849 (SC 598), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Brown, James Monroe, 1800-1886 (SC 806), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Brown, Mark, b. 1976 (FA 751), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Brown, Phil (Mrs.) - Letter to (SC 2759), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Bruce, Horatio Washington, 1830-1903 (SC 2685), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Buchsbaum, Lee Michael, b. 1972 (SC 848), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Buckner, Simon Bolivar, Jr., 1886-1945 (SC 628), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Buell, Don Carlos, 1818-1898 (SC 709), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Buenos Aires: City of Immigrants, John Dizgun
Building Quality and Capacity in Rural Areas, Nedra Atwell, Janice Ferguson, and Judy Pierce
Bunning, Mary (SC 1167), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Burch, James W. (SC 1088), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Burgess, Sarah Edward, 1876-1924 - Letters to (SC 2667), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Burgoo Project, 1995-2005 (FA 600), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Burke, Harry Taylor, 1909-2011 (SC 992), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Burnam Family Papers, 1829-1915 (SC 953), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Burnam, John Quincy, 1804-1891 (SC 1028), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Burns, Roger D. (SC 866), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Burns, Rowland (SC 1031), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Bush, William T. and William Thompson (LG 440), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Butler, Emily (SC 1051), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Cadiz Railroad Company - Cadiz, Kentucky (MSS 354), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Cain, Frank Davis, Sr., 1890-1953 (MSS 127), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Caldwell County, Kentucky - Cultural Resource Survey (FA 622), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Caldwell, R. E. (SC 807), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Caley, Charles (SC 1181), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Campbell, Ezell (SC 1132), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Campbell, Margaret (SC 647), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Camp Gilmore, Kentucky (SC 802), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Can Persuasion Research Increase Commitment to Breastfeeding? A Test of Women's Resistance to Pro Infant-Formula Messages, Jessica M. Parks
Can Standing Long Jump Distance Be Predicted From Between-the-Legs Front Throw Distance?, A. Flott, K. Slonaker, K. Spratford, and B. Meyer
Can Standing Long Jump Distance be Predicted from Standing Vertical Jump Distance?, L. Merk, C. Michael, and Ben Meyer
Carbohydrate Mouth Rinse Improves 1.5 h Run Performance: Is There a Dose-Effect?, Benjamin F. Wright and Glen Davison
Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Study of Carbonates from Watling's Blue Hole and Blue Hole Five, San Salvador, Bahamas, Elaine D. Flynn
Cardiorespiratory and biomechanical responses to simulated horseback riding in healthy children, Brandon R. Rigby, Zacharias Papadakis, Annie Bane, Jin Park, and Peter Grandjean
Cardiovascular Responses to High Intensity Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercises, A. Parker, P. Messersmith, K. Beil, K. Mahoney, K. Jones, J. A. McKenzie, and S. D. McCole
Carmichael Family Papers (MSS 467), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Carnes, J. E. (SC 752), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Carotid Baroreflex Control of Heart Rate is Enhanced during Whole-body Heat Stress, Davor Krnjajic, Cory L. Butts, Mitchel R. Samels, Shane W. Warren, Tyler J. Benson, and Keller M. David
Carroll, Elizabeth (SC 1052), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Carroll, Julianne (FA 615), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Carson, Charles C., b. 1917? (SC 900), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Carter, Billy (SC 1053), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Carter, Chillon Conway, 1830-1891 (MSS 112), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Carter, Tim Lee, 1910-1987 (MSS 80), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Carver, Gayle Raymond, 1913-2005 (SC 634), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Casebier, Gertrude (SC 2785), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Caudill, Rebecca, 1899-1985 (SC 991), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Causey, Alonzo M., 1870-1972 (SC 622), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Cearnal, Elijah (SC 588), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
CEBS Magazine, The College of Education and Behavioral Sciences at WKU, Charles S. Evans, Dean and Pam Pierce, Editor-in-Chief
Cedar Bluff Female College - Woodburn, Kentucky (SC 2695), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Cerebrovascular Hemodynamics during Concentric and Eccentric Phases of Heavy Resistance Exercise, Gilbert Moralez, Steven A. Romero, Caroline A. Rickards, Peter B. Raven, and William H. Cooke
Challenges of Graduate School, Alexander D. Heath
Challenging the Spirit: 2013 Progress Report, President Gary Ransdell
Changes In Femoral Neck Bone Mineral Density: A Comparison Of NHANES 2005-2006, 2007-2008, And 2009-2010, Anthony Banks M.S. and David L. Nichols Ph.D., FACSM
Charter Commission for Urban County Government - Warren County, Kentucky (SC 1128), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Chatten, Lily Waller (SC 1042), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Cherry, James Preston, 1896-1961 (SC 659), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Chest Wall Injury -Weightlifting, M. Khan and G. A. Pujalte
Chest Wall Pain in a Recreational Weightlifter, M. N. Khan and G. A. Pujalte
CHHS December 2012 E-Newsletter, Dr. John Bonaguro, Dean; VaShon S. Wells, editor; and College of Health and Human Services, Western Kentucky University
CHHS E-Newsletter, Dr. John Bonaguro, Dean; VaShon S. Wells, editor; and College of Health & Human Services, Western Kentucky University
CHHS January 2013 E-Newsletter, Dr. John Bonaguro, Dean; VaShon S. Wells, editor; and College of Health & Human Services, Western Kentucky University
CHHS July E-Newsletter, Dr. John Bonaguro, Dean; VaShon S. Wells, editor; and College of Health & Human Services, Western Kentucky University
CHHS March 2013 E-Newsletter, Dr. John Bonaguro, Dean; VaShon S. Wells, editor; and College of Health and Human Services, Western Kentucky University
CHHS November 2013 E-Newsletter, VaShon S. Wells, editor; Dr. John Bonaguro, Dean; and College of Health & Human Services, Western Kentucky University
CHHS October 2013 E-Newsletter, Dr. John Bonaguro, Dean; VaShon S. Wells, editor; and College of Health and Human Services, Western Kentucky University
Children and Pedometers: A Study in Reactivity and Knowledge, Steven L. Prewitt, James C. Hannon, and Timothy A. Brusseau
Christ Episcopal Church - Bowling Green, Kentucky (MSS 464), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Christopherson, Kathryn "Katie" (Donley), b. 1922 (SC 1190), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Civil War, 1861-1865 - Bowling Green, Kentucky (SC 811), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Civil War, 1861-1865 - Draft (SC 1090), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Civil War, 1861-1865 - Letters (SC 573), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Civil War, 1861-1865 - Letters (SC 956), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Civil War, 1861-1865 - Loyalty Oaths (SC 2705), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Civil War, 1861-1865 - Military Life (SC 1029), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Civil War, 1861-1965 - Military Service (SC 2703), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Civil War, 1861-1965 - Pensions (SC 1102), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Clagett, John Gay, 1818-1899 (MSS 481), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Clark, Thomas Dionysius, 1903-2005 (SC 891), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Clark, William B., b. 1797? (SC 632), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Clark, William T. (SC 939), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Clay, Henry, 1777-1852 - Death and Burial (SC 914), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Clay, Thomas Hart, 1843-1907 (SC 643), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Cleaver, Oscar Payne, 1905-1996 (MSS 106), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Cleveland, Frances (Folsom), 1864-1947 (SC 671), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Clifton, John W. (LG 12), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Climate Data Manipulation and the Use of Water to Build Political Power in the Southwest United States, Conrad Moore, Professor Emeritus
Clockwork Heroines: Female Characters in Steampunk Literature, Cassie N. Bergman
Clothing (SC 841), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Cloverport, Kentucky Elementary School Folklife Festival (FA 613), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Cochran, Benjamin F. (LG 439), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Coffeehouses - Bowling Green, Kentucky (SC 805), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Coleman Family Papers (SC 650), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Collections & Connections, Jennifer Wilson
Collections & Connections, Jennifer Wilson
College Heights Herald, Vol. 48, No. 30, WKU Student Affairs
Command Your Keyboard, Michelle L. Gilstrap
Communication Among Emerging Adult Siblings, Jessica Leigh Paulsen
Comparing Physiological Responses While Walking on a Standard Motorized Treadmill and Curve Treadmill, J. Phipps, S. Miller, S. Voran, M. Lister, and Harold S. Kieffer
Comparing The Effect Of Overspeed Training On NCAA Division III Lacrosse Athletes, N. Marlowe, K. Flanick, D. Rohrer, L. Burtnett, and Harold S. Kieffer
Comparing Three Methods of Measuring Skin Temperature during Exercise in a Hot, Humid Environment, Randall R. Williams, Adam S. Venable, and Brian K. McFarlin
Comparison of Ascending and Descending Pyramidal Loading Using the Bench Press, joey r. miller
Comparison of Maximal and Supramaximal Verification Tests, K. Bly, K. Dolan, S. Simonovich, K. Corrigan, and T. Swensen
Comparisons between Swing Phase Characteristics of Race Walkers and Distance Runners, Laura C. Smith and Brian Hanley
Comparisons of age-predicted maximum heart rate equations in college kinesiology students, Jaime R. Morales
Comparisons of Genetic Diversity Among Disjunct Populations of Magnolia tripetala, Victoria A. Gilkison
Compton, Dorothy Hinman, 1923-1982 (SC 1107), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Computer Information Technology, Tyler Sigman
Connecting Alternate Practicum Experiences in Teacher Education with the ‘Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education', Sylvia Dietrich and Tamar Riley
Contour Extraction of Drosophila Embryos Using Active Contours in Scale Space, Soujanya Siddavaram Ananta
Cook, Elbert Eugene III, b. 1959 & Rebecca J. (Cook) Foust - Collectors (SC 2654), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Coombs, Elizabeth Robertson, 1893-1988 (SC 1126), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Coombs, Elizabeth Robertson, 1893-1988 (SC 2708), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Coombs Family Collection (MSS 349), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Cooperative Sales Company - Bowling Green, Kentucky (SC 2775), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Cooper, John Robert, 1864-1937 (SC 2747), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Corbin, Mary Elizabeth (Townes), 1919-2007 - Letters to (SC 2748), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Cornell, Eddie Mae, b. 1902? (SC 1187), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Cornwell, Ryan (SC 1054), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Correspondence Re: Notice of Redemption of Bonds, Georgia Bates, The Bond Buyer, Louisville Courier-Journal, and Harry Largen
Cosby, John Cooney, 1824-1881 (SC 617), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Cost of Rolling on Rough and Smooth Ground for Assistants Pushing the Motivation Rough Terrain and Whirlwind RoughRider Wheelchairs, Nicole Leman, Nathan Lowe, Anna G. McDonnel, and Karen Rispin
Cox, Brittany (FA 763), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Cox, Floyd W., 1925-1981 (SC 1086), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Cox, Robert M. (SC 903), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Crabb, Alfred Leland, 1884-1979 (SC 762), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Crabb, Alfred Leland, Jr., b. 1919 (SC 2647), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Crabb, Opal Cline, 1905-1995 (SC 2668), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Craddock, Robert Edward, 1757-1837 (LG 11), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Craddock, Robert Edward, 1757-1859 (SC 781), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Creatine Kinase, Lactate Dehydrogenase, and Myoglobin Responses Following Repeated Wingate Anaerobic Tests Versus Barbell Back Squats: a Pilot Study, JoCarol E. Shields, Matt S. Stock, Micheal J. Luera, Ibrahim K. Munayer, and John C. Young
Crittenden County, Kentucky - Cultural Resource Survey (FA 626), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Crittenden, John Jordan, 1787-1863 (SC 708), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Croghan, William (LG 17), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Crump, Benedict B. (SC 696), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Crump, Mary Norton (Underwood) Poyntz, 1857-1920 (SC 980), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Cumberland College Association - Princeton, Kentucky (SC 2787), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Cummings, F. G. (SC 2648), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Cunningham, Denise Johnson, b. 1964 (SC 849), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Curd, Edwin William, 1864-1923 - Letters to (SC 2767), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Cutler-Hammer, Incorporated - Bowling Green, Kentucky (SC 1127), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Dainty Festival - Louisville, Kentucky (FA 616), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Dallas, William Robert, Sr., 1910-1997 (MSS 472), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Damron, Danny Lee (SC 1133), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Davenport, Denille b. 1983 (FA 594), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Daviess County High School - Owensboro, Kentucky (SC 2699), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Davis, Andrew P., b. 1797? (SC 878), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Davis, James (LG 441), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Davison, Learner B., 1813-1898 (SC 718), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Davis, Samuel Thomas, 1838-1908 (SC 626), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Davis, William M. (SC 585), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Dawson, Cherie (SC 1055), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Deacon, James (LG 442), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Dean, Ella Denise (SC 1056), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Dean, Harry Moseley, b. 1884 (SC 2659), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Dean, Jefferson, 1824-1864 (SC 941), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Dean, Sophia Leona, 1855-1948 (SC 788), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Deaton, Jennifer (SC 1057), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Debating Immigration: Arizona's Controversial Response to Illegal Hispanic Immigration, Parker M. Wornall
Defining the Requirements for Early Gene Expression in Bacteriophage HK639, Amanda L. Seaton
Depressions, 1939 (SC 910), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
DEPTOR Expression Correlates with Muscle Protein Synthesis, Kevin L. Shimkus, Elyse V. Wudeck, Yasaman Shirazi-Fard, Mats I. Nilsson, Nicholas P. Greene, Harry A. Hogan, and James D. Fluckey
Despite varying outdoor affiliations: The continued need to collaborate, Raymond A. Poff, Eric Frauman, and Bruce Martin
Determination of Anaerobic Threshold by Heart Rate or Heart Rate Variability using Discontinous Cycle Ergometry, Sung W. Park, Michael T. Brenneman, William H. Cooke, Alberto Cordova, and Donovan L. Fogt
Development of Colloid Displacement Lithography Platforms for Sensor Applications, Mahesh Thugu
Development of emotional intelligence through an outdoor leadership program, Aya Hayashi and Alan Ewert
Development of Tools to Assess the Effects of Lunasin on Normal Development and Tumor Progression in Drosophila Melanogaster, Gillian E. Jones
Devine, Lillian K., 1895-1990 (MSS 463), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Diamond, George Oliver, 1925-1998 (SC 1097), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Dietary Habits, Menstrual Health, Body Composition, and Eating Disorder Risk Among Collegiate Volleyball Players: A Descriptive Study, Suzanne L. Vargas, Kelly Kerr-Pritchett, Charilaos Papadopoulous, and Virginia Bennett
Differential Response To Tabata Interval Versus Traditional Kettlebell Training Protocol, H. A. Fortner, J. Salgado, and M. E. Holmstrup
Disher, John Lee, b. 1938 (SC 1183), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Dismore, Karen (SC 1134), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Disney, David, b. 1948 (SC 844), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Dockery, Admiral Porter, 1885-1968 (SC 2658), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Does Eating a Meal before Testing Alter the Percent Body Fat Measurement Determined by Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis?, B. Masteller, Curt B. Dixon, and Joseph L. Andreacci
Donaldson, J. B. (SC 757), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Donan, John Gillaspy, 1826-1905 (SC 740), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Dorris, Riley W. (SC 1196), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Dotson, Allene Dooley (SC 2780), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Doughty, Kyllie (SC 1103), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Duckett, Zula (Young), 1890-1974 (SC 1035), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Dumarey?, J. R. (SC 1017), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Duncan and Hines Family Papers (MSS 447), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Duncan, Benjamin, 1772-1809 (SC 678), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Duncan, Joseph Dillard, 1814-1905 (SC 881), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Duncan, Kate (Clagett), 1892-1983 (SC 2724), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Dunlap, John (LG 16), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Dunn, Thomas Pearce, b. 1861 (SC 751), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Dynamic Balance In Children: Performance Comparison Between Two Testing Devices, J. Bagley, S. Boise, N. Ratamess, J. Kang, Anne C. Farrell, G. Myer, and Avery Faigenbaum
Eads, Harvey Lauderdale, 1807-1892 (SC 741), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
East Tennessee Telephone Company - Nashville, Tennessee (SC 1130), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Eating and Exercise Behaviors, and Motivational Differences Between Kinesiology Majors and Non-Majors, Elizabeth L. Haddock and Stacey A. Gaines
Eddings, B. C. (SC 1169), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Edmonson County, Kentucky - Court Records (SC 797), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Edmonson County, Kentucky - Legal Papers (SC 895), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Edmunds Family Papers (MSS 443), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Edwards, Frank (SC 1058), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Effect of Coconut Oil on Ulcerative Colitis in the Mouse Model, Pranav Chandra Alok
Effect of GPS Feedback on Lactate Threshold Pacing in Intercollegiate Distance Runners, Jacob W. Smith, Matthew F. Moran, and John T. Foley
Effect of Leaving Ligands of Platinum(II) Diamine Complexes on DNA and Protein Residues, Ramya Kolli
EFFECT OF VISUAL IMPAIRMENT AND ANTERIOR LOADS ON OBSTACLE CLEARANCE, K.L. Mills, V.C. Kollar, S.L. Eliason, E.C. Thomas, S.R. Sheahan, and B.K. Higginson
Effects of a Triphasic Block Method on Power in Collegiate Basketball Players, Jason L. Russell and Kelly A. Brooks
Effects of a Two Week College Weight Training Course on Body Weight, Power, and Strength, J. McNamara
Effects of Capsaicin and Evodiamine Ingestion on Energy Expenditure and Fat Oxidation at Rest and After Moderately-Intense Exercise in Young Men, Neil A. Schwarz, Mike Spillane, Paul La Bounty, Pete Grandjean, Brian Leutholtz, and Darryn S. Willoughby
Effects of Cisplatin Analog Size on the Reaction with DNA Bases, Swathi Nandala
Effects of Creatine Monohydrate vs. Creatine Hydrochloride on Muscle Endurance Performance, K. Naylor, C. Albright, C. Liggitt, A. Kolenc, R. Robinson, W. Braun, and J. Sanders
Effects of Diverting Activities on Recovery from Repeated Maximum Voluntary Contractions, Micheal J. Luera, Matt S. Stock, JoCarol E. Shields, and Ibrahim K. Munayer
Effects of Eccentric Muscle Work on Acute and Delayed Torque and Force Generation, J. Guy and W. A. Braun
Effects of Exercise Sequence in Resistance-Training on Strength, Speed, and Agility in High School Football Players, Shawn Johnson, Steve Burns, and Kari Azevedo
Effects of Exercise Training on Cardiovascular Risk and Anti-Risk Factors in Adolescent Boys, Majid Koozehchian, Farzad Nazem, Mohmmad Panamtash, Brittanie Lockard, and Richard Kreider
Effects of Foot Position during Squatting on the Quadriceps Femoris: An Electromyographic Study, Nicholas G. Murray, Daniel Cipriani, Denise O'Rand, and Rebecca Reed-Jones
Effects of Human Apolipoprotein E3 and E4 Genotypes on Cardiometabolic Disease Risk, Alissa A. Yoder, Joshua S. Wooten, Ken A. Witt, Guim Kwon, Karin Sandoval, Christopher M. Orris, and Justin J. Stout
Effects of Two Weeks of High-intensity Interval Training (HIIT) on Monocyte TLR2 and TLR4 Expression in High BMI Sedentary Men, Marta Child, Melanie Leggate, and Michael Gleeson
Effects of Weight Loss and Exercise In Older Adults With Apnea, D. A. Dobrosielski, D. Desai, S. Patil, A. Schwartz, and K. J. Stewart
Efficacy of Wii Fit Plus Strength Training in Older Adults Dwelling in an Assisted Living Facility, Chandrasekhar Bulusu
Efficient Architectures for Retrieving Mixed Data with Rest Architecture Style and HTML5 Support, Koushik Maddipudi
Eisenhower, Mamie Geneva (Doud), 1896-1979 (SC 579), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Elections and Election Campaigns - Muhlenberg County, Kentucky (SC 676), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Elections and Election Campaigns (SC 888), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
El Intendente, Los Comerciantes y el "Comercio Libre" en Luisiana 1778-1788, Brian E. Coutts
Ellis, Beulah (Collins), 1886?-1975 - Telegrams to (SC 951), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Ellis, Birdie Read, 1879-1958 (SC 970), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Ellis, Courtney M., 1888-1964 (SC 714), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Embry, Randall (SC 1059), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Emerson, James William, 1920-1978 (SC 872), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Emmett, Winfield Scott (SC 2723), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Endothelial Response of Running a Marathon: A Tale of Three Runners, Michael Smith, Nicholas Hanson, Alexander Lucas, and Steven Devor
Engagement Media - The Fusion of Journalism and Museum Experience Design, Brieonna L. Logsdon
English, Dan (SC 850), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Enochs, Charles J., 1881-1945 (SC 794), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Environmental Assessment & Monitoring Regime for ATRAZINE in Drinking Water for Kentucky
Environmental factors affecting the predicted decisions of backcountry skiers: An examination of the obvious clues method decision aid, Nate Furman, Wynn Shooter, and Jonas Tarlen
Essler, Kelly Renee (FA 762), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Establishing the Learned Effect of Repeated Wingate Anaerobic Tests, Joseph R. Secrest, Kylie-Ann Louw, Eric J. Jones, and Malcolm T. Whitehead
Ethnicity: Contemporary Ethnicity in the Inner Bluegrass (FA 601), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Evaluating Acute Changes in Joint Range-of-motion using Self-myofascial Release, Postural Alignment Exercises, and Static Stretches, Derek S. Roylance, James D. George, Adam M. Hammer, Nicole Rencher, Gilbert W. Fellingham, Ronald L. Hager, and William J. Myrer
Evaluation of a Circumference-based Prediction Equation to Assess Body Composition Changes in Men, John M. Schuna Jr, Sarah J. Hilgers-Greterman, Trista L. Manikowske, Jared M. Tucker, and Gary Liguori
Evans Family Papers (SC 1022), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Examination of Injury in Female Gaelic Football, Justin Brown, Charilaos Papadopoulos, and Robert Pritchett
Examination of Sedentary Time, Physical Activity, and Body Mass Index (BMI) in College-Aged Students, B. Larouere and Carena S. Winters
Examining backcountry adventure as a spiritual experience, Paul E. Marsh and Andrew J. Bobilya
Examining Land Use/Land Cover Change and Potential Causal Factors in the Context of Climate Change in Sagarmatha National Park, Nepal, Kamal Humagain
Examining the motivation and involvement of Chinese rock climbers, Chen Ding and Michael A. Schuett
Examining the Relationship between Simple and Choice Reaction Time on Team-Sport and Individual-Sport Athletes, Dylan F. Riedesel and Sara E. Mahoney
Exercise Increases Utrophin Protein Expression in the MDX Mouse Model of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, B. S. Gordon, D. A. Lowe, and M. C. Kostek
Exercise Knowledge, Exercise Beliefs, Physical Activity Engagement and Physical Function in Older Adults, Nicole E. Priest, Amy M. White, James B. Geeslin, Matthew J. Garver, and Libby E. McCurley
Experimental Studies of Android APP Development for Smart Chess Board System, Srujan Gopu
Exploring Freshmen College Students' Self-Efficacy, Attitudes, and Intentions Toward Chemistry, Amanda F. Cook
Factors and Influences Contributing to the College Selection Decision of High Achieving High School Seniors, Dana D. Clayton
Factors Associated with Diabetes Risk in South Texas College Students, Jordan W. Stack, Christine Brumley, Mansi Parikh, Adley Canales, Sara E. Mahoney, and Christopher M. Hearon
Fairview Cemetery - Bowling Green, Kentucky (SC 2771), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Farmers Bank - Smiths Grove, Kentucky (MSS 441), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Feather Crowns (SC 1115), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Fenley, Samuel (LG 13), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Fennell, Charles, 1884-1959 - Collector (SC 2783), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
First Baptist Church - Bowling Green, Kentucky (SC 629), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
First Year Baccalaureate Nursing Program Outcomes: Effects of Prerequisite Courses and Preadmission Testing, Sonya House
Fitch, Henry Dumesnil, 1874-1959 (SC 2730), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Fitness Assessment of College Age Students Enrolled in a General Education Fitness Class, J. M. Kuznicki and T. R. McConnell
Fledge, Chris R. (SC 1135), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Fleenor, Kenneth Raymond, 1929-2010 (MSS 444), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Fleming County, Kentucky Cultural Resource Survey (FA 619), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Fletcher and Company - Covington, Kentucky (SC 662), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Flood, Edwin Warren, 1921-1944 (SC 1081), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Floquet Theory on Banach Space, Fatimah Hassan Albasrawi
Folk Arts In Rural Libraries Project (FA 602), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Folklorist in the Park - Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park (FA 606), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Folklorist in the Parks (FA 608), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Folklorist in the Parks - Jenny Wiley State Resort Park (FA 603), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Folklorist in the Parks - Kenlake State Resort Park (FA 604), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Folklorist in the Parks - Natural Bridge State Resort Park, Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Folklorist in the Parks - Pine Mountain State Resort Park (FA 607), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Fonville Family (SC 1117), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Food Defense Among Meat Processing and Food Service Establishments in Kentucky, Morgan Webb-Yeates
Ford, Bess (SC 2664), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Foreclosure and Other Essays, Derick Brandon Strode
Forensic Investigation of Stamped Markings Using a Large-Chamber Scanning Electron Microscope and Computer Analysis for Depth Determination, Eric Douglas Jones
Forgiveness-Granting Communication as a Facework Phenomenon, Ryan Cummings
Fortnightly Club - Bowling Green, Kentucky (MSS 432), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Fostering outdoor learning experiences with urban youth through place-based expeditionary learning, Kristen L. Ellison
Fostering self-directed learning in college age students through wilderness semesters, Jim Sibthorp, Rachel Collins, John Gookin, and Mandy Pojha
Four-Sided Boundary Problem for Two-Dimensional Random Walks, Miky Wright
Foushee, Kathryn R. (FA 759), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Fox Family Papers, 1918-1986 (MSS 459), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Fox-Walthall Letters (SC 1007), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Franklin County, Kentucky - Cultural Resource Survey (FA 617), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Franklin Female College - Franklin, Kentucky (SC 2720), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Fremont, Jessie (Benton), 1824-1902 (SC 679), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Fresh, Mary A. Elizabeth (Logan), 1816-1894 - Letter to (SC 2774), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Frusher, Paula Jeanne, b. 1954 (Sc 851), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Fulton, Robert, 1765-1815 (SC 819), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Fulton, William Roy, 1895-1997 (SC 2655), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Functional Movement Screentm Scores in Collegiate Track and Field Athletes in Relation to Injury Risk and Performance, Ronald G. Budnar Jr, Robert Birdwell, Christopher Moody, David W. Hill, Anthony A. Duplanty, Allen W. Jackson, and Jakob L. Vingren
Funeral Invitations - Russellville, Kentucky (SC 839), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Funk, Jesse Trusdale, 1912-2001 (FA 587), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Furman, Lucy Salome, 1869-1958 (SC 564), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Fused Arenes-Based Molecular and Polymeric Materials for Organic Field Effect Transistors, Harista Irugulapati
Futrell, Roger (SC 2665), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Gaines, Elizabeth, b. 1852 (SC 999), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Gardler, Francis Vincent, b. 1966 (SC 978), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Garland, Hamlin, 1860-1940 (SC 636), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Garnett, Joseph Fauntleroy, 1901-1973 (SC 1106), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Garrison, Kathryn (Topmiller), 1917-2012 - Collector (SC 1002), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Garrison, Lucien, 1874-1957 (SC 998), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Garrott, Mark (LG 10), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Gasper River Bible Society (SC 700), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Gatewood, Williamson (SC 595), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Geary, Genevieve Baxter, b. 1924 (SC 1125), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Geary, William Estil, 1924-2006 (SC 875), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Geeslin, Robert H. (SC 974), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Gender and Gravestone Epitaphs: A Warren County Cemetery, Mariah S. Callis Goodwin
Gender Comparisons of the Electromyographic Responses to Knee Extension Exercises with Different Initial Restriction Pressures, Guillermo Perez B.S.; Joe Angel Lopez B.S.; and Murat Karabulut Ph.D, CSCS
Gender differences in skin and core body temperature during exercise in a hot, humid environment., Adam S. Venable, Randall R. Williams, and Brian K. McFarlin
Gender-specific Equations for Predicting Maximal Heart Rate in Exercise Stress Testing, T. Nagle, E. Godlasky, S. Weber-Peters, R. Bradford, N. Miller, and M. Lott
Gender & sport related differences in electrocardiogram & pre-participation exams (PPE) in college age athletes, Ryan Eaton, Jamie Cvikel, Annie Nalepa, and Jennifer Blevins-McNaughton Ph.D.
Gerard, Camilla Herdman, 1895-1977 - Letters to (SC 826), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Gerard, Eugene Allison, 1889-1929 (SC 1185), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Geter?, John (SC 880), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Giesy, Henry H., d. 1864 (SC 975), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Giles, Janice (Holt), 1905-1979 (SC 988), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Giles, Janice Meredith (Holt), 1905-1979 - Relating to (SC 1172), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Goad, Kelly Parker (SC 1139), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Godby, Allen Fogle, 1920-2004 (SC 934), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Godby, Coye Perkins, 1918-2004 (MSS 453), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Goldlack, Ron (SC 1137), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Gooch, Thomas Claiborne, 1830-1889 (SC 810), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Goodknight, Thomas Mitchell, 1837-1908 (SC 2769), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Goodnight, Michael (LG 444), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Goolsby, Robert L., b. 1854 (SC 1108), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Gordon, Griffith Lewis - Collector (SC 2786), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Gordon, Tom (SC 1138), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Grace Episcopal Church - Hopkinsville, Kentucky (SC 813), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Graham, Robert Duke, 1900-1984 (MSS 473), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Greathouse Family Papers (SC 635), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Green County, Kentucky - Records (SC 775), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Green, Frank (SC 885), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Green, Jennie Scott, 1879-1965 (SC 637), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Green, Jennie Scott, 1879-1965 (SC 962), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Green River - Locks and Dams (SC 1009), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Greensburg Presbyterian Church - Greensburg, Kentucky (SC 2742), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Greenup County, Kentucky - Cultural Resource Survey (FA 621), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Grider, Benjamin Covington, 1826-1874 (SC 2679), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Griffin, Gus M. (Mrs.) (SC 1195), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Grimes, Oliver, 1884-1960 (SC 924), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Ground, Frankie, b. 1930 (Sc 822), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Group identification and group homogeneity: A case study of NOLS courses, Jeremy M. Jostad
Gunnon, John (SC 948), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Guthrie, Margaret (SC 2784), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Gutierres, Kelvin (SC 1140), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Habitat Use Analysis of a Reintroduced Black Rhino (Diceros bicornis) Population, John H. Clark
Hagerman Family Papers (SC 2693), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Haile, Hascal B., 1906-1986 (SC 1098), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Halcomb, Warren G. (SC 587), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Hallam, Theodore F. (SC 955), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Halleck, Annie Jeanette (Ainslie), 1839-1915 (SC 719), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Halloran, Shirley - Letters to (SC 1141), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Hamby, Golden H., 1842-1922 (SC 711), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Hamilton, William D. (SC 590), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Hancock, Elizabeth Ann (Moore), b. 1924 (SC 906), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Handy, Eldon Riley, 1902-1962 (SC 705), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Haney, Brad (SC 1060), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Haney, Brad (SC 1060), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Hannum Family (SC 746), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Hanratty, Suzanne (Funk) (FA 588), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Hardcastle, Mildred Tucker, 1894-1994 (SC 2722), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Hardin, John A., b. 1948 (SC 972), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Harmon, Arlis Odell, 1905-1992 (MSS 153), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Harper, Terrell, b. 1969 (SC 1142), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Harris, Christine Louise, b. 1914 (SC 1200), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Harris, Downey Lamar, 1875-1956 (SC 1033), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Harris, George Calvin, 1840-1928 (SC 1177), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Harris, George DeWitt, 1876-1918 (SC 1032), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Harris, M. A. (SC 623), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Hart, Christopher (SC 1143), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Has Safeer Improved SACM's Work and Helped Saudi Students in the USA Resolve Their Needs Quickly, Faisal M. Alzomily
Haverly, Jessie R. (SC 2743), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Hawkins, Hope BriAnne (FA 760), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Hay, Charles (SC 651), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Hay, Mamie (SC 2721), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Haynes, Autman "Carter" (FA 757), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Haynes, James Pleasant, 1843-1919 (MSS 477), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Headrick, Victor Delana, b. 1921 (SC 1122), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Heart Rate Variations in Statistical Quartiles from VO2max Values in Competitive Cyclists, Cory Scott, Ashleigh Welter, and Frank B. Wyatt
Helm Family Papers (SC 2697), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Helm, Harold Holmes, 1900-1985 (SC 658), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Helm, John Blakey, 1899-1979 (SC 572), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Helm, Margie May, 1894-1991 (SC 624), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Henderson County Historical Society - Henderson County, Kentucky (SC 2672), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Henderson, Wallace W. (SC 2645), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Herbert, William H. (SC 2681), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
High Dietary Sodium Reduces Flow Mediated Dilation in Humans with Salt Sensitive & Salt Resistant BP, E. L. Matthews, J. J. DuPont, J. L. Greaney, S. L. Lennon-Edwards, D. G. Edwards, and W. B. Farquhar
High on grass? Influence of terrain on human walking economy., Lindsay M. Wohlers, Kenneth P. Clark, Laurence J. Ryan, and Peter G. Weyand
Hill, J. M. (SC 954), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Hill, J. Murray, Sr., 1891-1961 (SC 963), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Hines, Duncan, 1880-1959 (SC 2711), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Hines, James Davis, 1838-1911 (SC 739), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Hines, Jason P., b. 1969 (SC 932), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Hines, Margaret Gates (Nicholls), 1878-1941 (SC 669), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Hines, Thomas Collier "Tommy," Jr., - Collector (SC 2661), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Hines, Warner Underwood, 1896-1949 (SC 2680), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Hinton, Merri Lynne (SC 852), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Historical Biogeography: Geography as Evolution, Evolution as Geography, Charles H. Smith
History Has the Voice of a Bird-Filled Tree, Brent Allen Fisk
Hobson House Commission - Bowling Green, Kentucky (MSS 115), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Hodge, Iris, b. 1947 (SC 1027), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Hodges, Ida Leighton, 1885-1949 (SC 1025), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Hoerter, Henry Charles, 1909-1959 (SC 837), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Hoffman, Mary Elizabeth - Relating to (SC 667), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Holder, Earl, b. 1909-2005 (SC 1026), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Hollensbe, John (LG 14), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels - Reunion Barbecue (FA 628), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Hoover, Herbert Clark, 1874-1964 (SC 581), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Hopewell Baptist Church - Allen County, Kentucky (MSS 466), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Hopkins, Larry Jones, b. 1933 (SC 832), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Hord, Edward (LG 23), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Hord, Edward (LG 24), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Horse stealing - Insurance policies (SC 919), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Hoskinson, Virginia Adeline (Smith), 1892-1956 (SC 2691), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Howard, Chloe (Miller), 1899-1989 (SC 2758), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Howard, Flora O., (SC 638), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Howard, Obediah, 1741-1804 - Relating to (SC 2754), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Howell, Bessie (SC 2674), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Howell, Timothy Keith (SC 1144), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
How Kaizen Group Leader Selection Affects Group Participation, M. Joleen Byerline
How Overcorrection Improves Behavior, Annie Katzman, Susan Carder, and Molly McNamara
Hubbard, Elbert Green, 1856-1915 (SC 646), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Hubbard, Sam R., 1906-1973 (SC 683), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Huddleston, Walter Darlington "Dee," b. 1926 (SC 1083), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Hudson, Cynthia Gail (SC 857), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Huffman, M. L. (LG 21), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Hull, Cordell, 1871-1955 (SC 580), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Human Sprint Running Mechanics: Do Right and Left Legs Apply Equal Ground Forces?, Kenneth P. Clark, Laurence J. Ryan, and Peter G. Weyand
Hume, Glee, 1902-1998 (MSS 470), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Hume, Nevins S., b. 1870 (SC 1170), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Hunter, George (LG 5), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Hybrid Methods for Feature Selection, Iunniang Cheng
Ikriya: Simulating Software Quality Enhancement With Selected Replacement Policies, Sindhu Dharani Murthy
Impact of Parental Encouragement on Perceived Barriers to Exercise, W. Kensinger and A. L. Divin
Impact of PE Physical Activity Levels on Percent Body Fat: Examined against Healthy Fitness Zone, W. Liu, R. Nichols, and T. Zillifro
Impact of Storm Events on Water Quality of a Karst Stream and Implications for Public Health Protection at a Historic Landmark, Ellen R. Barringer
Implementation of the Exercise is Medicine (EIM)™ Referral System at Slippery Rock University, A. Carothers, S. Veltre, C. Winters, J. Urda, Kimberly A. Smith Dr., and J. Lynn
Improvement of Pedagogical Laboratory Based Learning: Multimedia Enhanced Instructional Methods, Sumbul Khan
Improving awareness of outdoor recreation research by keeping good company: Editors' notes, Andrew J. Bobilya and Raymond A. Poff
Increasing the Distance of an External Focus of Attention has Limited Effects on Standing Long Jump Performance, William Westphal and Jared M. Porter
In Defense of Adaptation: Aestheticism versus Functionalism in the Wicked Franchise, Amanda S. Adams
Indigenous Credit Associations in Botswana: An Application of Elinor Ostrom's Common-Pool Resource Analysis, Christopher A. Yates
Influence of Transplanter Modification and Previous Crop on the Production of No-Till Dark Tobacco, William Frazier Penick
Influences of a Cladophora Bloom on the Diets of Amblema Plicata and Elliptio Dilatata in the Upper Green River, Kentucky, Jennifer Maria Yates
Innes, Harry, 1752-1816 (SC 575), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Inter-individual Differences in Tolerance to a Simulated Hemorrhage Challenge During Heat Stress: Cerebrovascular Control, Joshua F. Lee, Kevin M. Christmas, Chansol Hurr, Kiyoung Kim, R. Matthew Brothers, and Michelle L. Harrison
International Student and Scholar Services Newsletter, Diana Howard, Editor
International Student and Scholar Services Report, Tarek Elshayeb, Director
Interval Training: Its Effects on Resting Fat Oxidation and Body Composition In Recreationally Active College-Aged Females, A. Downs, E. J. Sauers, Shala Davis, and C. A. Witmer
Interview with Alan Scott Logsdon (FA 756), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives, Alan Scott Logsdon, and Lisa Karen Miller
Interview with Ann Eads Brown (FA 756), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives, Ann Eads Brown, and Lisa Karen Miller
Interview with Barbara DeHaan About Her Ethnic Background (FA 601), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Interview with Brian E. Coutts (FA 756), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives, Brian E. Coutts, and Lisa Karen Miller
Interview with Carol Lewis Watwood (FA 756), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives, Carol Lewis Watwood, and Lisa Karen Miller
Interview with Connie Foster (FA 756), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives, Connie Foster, and Lisa Karen Miller
Interview with Constance Mills (FA 756), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives, Constance Mills, and Lisa Karen Miller
Interview with Debby Shain (FA 756), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives, Deborah Evoynne Shain, and Lisa Karen Miller
Interview with Dewayne Stovall (FA 756), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives, Ervin Dewayne Stovall, and Lisa Karen Miller
Interview with Donna Ruth Collier Parker (FA 756), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives, Donna Ruth Collier Parker, and Lisa Karen Miller
Interview with Doug Wiles (FA 756), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives, Douglas V. Wiles, and Lisa Karen Miller
Interview with Earlene Chelf (FA 756), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives, Earlene Chelf, and Lisa Karen Miller
Interview with Earl Wassom (FA 756), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives, Earl Wassom, and Lisa Karen Miller
Interview with Ellen Micheletti (FA 756), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives, Ellen Micheletti, and Lisa Karen Miller
Interview with Fina Simpson (FA 756), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives, Adolfina V. Simpson, and Lisa Karen Miller
Interview with Gary Whittle (FA 756), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives, Kenneth Gary Whittle, and Lisa Karen Miller
Interview with Hazel Forsythe About Her Ethnic Background (FA 601), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Interview with Jack Montgomery (FA 756), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives, Jack G. Montgomery, and Lisa Karen Miller
Interview with Jamie Shih About Her Ethnic Background (FA 601), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Interview with Janice Haley (FA 756), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives, Janice Carol May Haley, and Lisa Karen Miller
Interview with Janice Masannat (FA 756), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives, Janice Masannat, and Lisa Karen Miller
Interview with Jean Almand (FA 756), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives, Jean M. Almand, and Lisa Karen Miller
Interview with Jeannie Butler (FA 756), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives, Jeannie Butler, and Lisa Karen Miller
Interview with John Bowers (FA 756), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives, John Steven Bowers, and Lisa Karen Miller
Interview with John Buell Edmonds (FA 198), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Interview with Jonathan Jeffrey (FA 756), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives, Jonathan David Jeffrey, and Lisa Karen Miller
Interview with Marvin Leavy (FA 756), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives, Marvin D. Leavy, and Lisa Karen Miller
Interview with Michael Binder (FA 756), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives, Michael Bernard Binder, and Lisa Karen Miller
Interview with Michael Patrick Carroll Regarding His Work as Owner of Mr. C's Coffee House in Bowling Green, Kentucky (FA 295), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Interview with Nada Durham (FA 756), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives, Nada June Hocker Durham, and Lisa Karen Miller
Interview with Nancy Baird (FA 756), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives, Nancy D. Baird, and Lisa Karen Miller
Interview with Nirmala Sathaye About Her Ethnic Background (FA 601), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Interview with Pat Hodges (FA 756), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives, Patricia Morgan Hodges, and Lisa Karen Miller
Interview with Peggy Wright (FA 756), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives, Mary Margaret (Peggy) Wright, and Lisa Karen Miller
Interview with Randall Grider and Ginnie Mae Grider About the Float Building Tradition in Tompkinsville, Kentucky (FA 401), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Interview with Raymond L. Cravens (FA 756), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives, Raymond L. Cravens, and Lisa Karen Miller
Interview with Rebecca Leavy (FA 756), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives, Rebecca Shrewsbury Leavy, and Lisa Karen Miller
Interview with Rose Davis (FA 756), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives, Rose Marie Pitman Davis, and Lisa Karen Miller
Interview with Rosemary Meszaros (FA 756), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives, Rosemary L. Meszaros, and Lisa Karen Miller
Interview with Sally Ann Strickler (FA 756), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives, Sally Ann Koenig Strickler, and Lisa Karen Miller
Interview with Sara Scott (FA 756), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives, Sara Ann Muhs Scott, and Lisa Karen Miller
Interview with Shu-Mei Lee About Her Ethnic Background (FA 601), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Interview with Suellyn Lathrop (FA 756), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives, Suellyn Annette Lathrop, and Lisa Karen Miller
Interview with Sue Lynn McDaniel (FA 756), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives, Sue Lynn Stone Arnold McGuire McDaniel, and Lisa Karen Miller
Interview with Swati Mehta About Her Ethnic Background (FA 601), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Interview with Thomas Lengal About His Ethnic Background (FA 601), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Interview with Thomas Lengal About His Ethnic Background (FA 601), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Interview with Veena Bonsal About Her Ethnic Background (FA 601), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Interview with Virginia Neel (FA 756), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives, Mary Virginia Dent Neel, and Lisa Karen Miller
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation: Abraham Lincoln as an Adult Learner, Warren Greer
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation: Abraham Lincoln as an Adult Learner, Warren Greer
Intrinsic motivation, vitality, and high altitude mountaineering: An analysis of seven case studies, Jonathan C. Norling, Mark F. Roark, Dale R. Wagner, and Alex K. Montour
Investigation of injuries occurring within competitive waterskiing in the UK, Sarah L. Loughlin
Ionic Conductivity in Non-Ionic Compounds, Usha Kranthi Avala
Irish Heritage of Louisville, Kentucky Project (FA 629), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
It's Not Just About the Technology: Changing the Focus from Technology to Collaboration in Videoconferencing Room Design, Tamela W. Smith
Jackson, Andrew, 1767-1845 (SC 691), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Jackson County, Kentucky - Cultural Resource Survey (FA 618), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Jackson, Sheila Lavern (Harris), b. 1955 - Relating to, Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Jackson, Thomas Jonathan, 1824-1863 (SC 693), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Jeffrey, Jonathan David, b. 1960 (SC 882), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Jenkins, James, 1812?-1856 - Letters to (SC 680), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Jessee, William Mortikey, 1846-1931 (SC 796), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Jesus, I Trust in You: St. Thomas Aquinas' Jubilee, John A. Sohl
J. H. Bell Tobacco Company - Owensboro, Kentucky (SC 702), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Johnson, Joni (SC 1061), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Johnson, Joni (SC 1061), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Johnson, Leland Ross, b. 1937 (MSS 462), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Johnson, Leland Ross, b. 1937 (SC 2788), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Johnson, Richard Mentor, 1781-1850 (SC 831), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Johnston, Ira J. (SC 2792), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Johnston, Janet L. (SC 1044), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Johnston, Janet L. (SC 1045), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Johnston, Josiah Stoddard, 1833-1913 (SC 565), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Joiner, William C., 1933-2009 (MSS 480), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Jones, Eugene & Sarah F. J. Jones (SC 2729), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Jones, Virginia, 1861-1937 - Letters to (SC 890), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Jordan Family Papers (SC 2733), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Jorgenson, Tim (FA 614), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning (JAEOL) Table of Contents, Volume 13(2)
Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning (JAEOL) Table of Contents, Volume 13(3)
Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning (JAEOL) Table of Contents, Volume 13(3)
Journal of Experiential Education (JEE) Table of Contents, Volume 36(2)
Journal of Experiential Education (JEE) Table of Contents, Volume 36(2)
Journal of Experiential Education (JEE) Table of Contents, Volume 36(3)
Justice, Angela (SC 1062), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Justice, Angela (SC 1062), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Juvenile Spondylarthropy in High School Athlete, Tim Koba and Andrew Getzin MD
J. W. Cardwell & Company (SC 2702), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Karst Hydrogeology of the Haney Limestone, South-Central Kentucky, Sarah Marie Arpin
Keirns, Harry A. - Collector (SC 1199), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Kennedy, Jesse, 1787-1863 (SC 744), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald, 1917-1963 - Assassination (SC 904), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Kentucky Baptist Centennial Memorial Roll Book (SC 614), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Kentucky Federation of Music Clubs (MSS 461), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Kentucky Military Institute - Lyndon, Kentucky - Alumni (SC 686), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Kentucky Save Outdoor Sculpture Project (SC 912), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Kerr, George Bain, 1874-1965 (SC 922), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Ketcham, Jennie B. (Brown) (SC 987), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Key Factors and Stages of Collaboration Within Community College/Automotive Industry Sector Partnerships, Annette Parker
Kimberlin, Nettie (SC 1087), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Kimbrough, Mary Alice (Sexton), 1907-1991 (MSS 159), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Kimbrough, William Joseph, Jr., 1930-2007 (SC 868), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Kinesio Tape® Applied to the Thorax Augments Ventilatory Efficiency during Heavy Exercise, Kindal Malehorn*, Jodi Hiniker*, Theresa Mackey‡, Kristin J. Heumann‡, Steven Ross Murray‡, and Robert W. Pettitt‡
King, Elijah (SC 2781), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
King, Stephen Lynn, b. 1954 - Collector (SC 769), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
King, Stephen Lynn, b. 1954 (MSS 110), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
King, Stephen Lynn, b. 1954 (SC 920), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Kington, Donald Mason, b. 1928 (MSS 475), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Kinney, Grover, 1885-1963 (SC 976), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Klein, Wilma - Collector (SC 2766), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Knott, James Proctor, 1830-1911 (SC 640), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Knott, James Proctor, 1830-1911 (SC 812), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Knox County, Kentucky - Motels (SC 1012), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Kriss, Leslie, b. 1975 (SC 1063), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Kriss, Leslie, b. 1975 (SC 1063), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Kuklinski, Whitney, b. 1987 (FA 765), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Ku Klux Klan - Warren County, Kentucky (SC 639), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Kuster, Brian William (SC 865), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Kuykendall, William S., 1821-1888 (SC 774), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
KYTED President's Letter, Steve Crites
Ky. Voices: In disasters, shared responsibility is government's role, Aaron W. Hughey
La Chiquita - Frankfort, Kentucky (FA 630), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Lactate Concentration Response to Knee Extension Exercise with Various Initial Restrictive Pressures in Females, Joe-Angel Lopez B.S.; Guillermo Perez B.S.; and Murat Karabulut PhD, CSCS
Ladies Literary Society - Lewisburg, Kentucky (SC 793), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
LaDuke, Edie, b. 1933 - Letters to (SC 1145), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Lancaster, Lennie Young, 1893-1980 (SC 645), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Land - Lotteries (SC 663), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Landscape Genetics of the Marbled Salamander (Ambystoma Opacum) at Mammoth Cave National Park, James Kyle Martin
Langston, Luke Alvah Leigh, 1870-1965 (MSS 479), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
LaRue County, Kentucky - Court Records (SC 2666), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Laski, Harold Joseph, 1893-1950 (SC 829), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Late Holocene Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction in Barbados, Gilman Reno Ouellette
Latino Dance Project (FA 627), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Lawrence, Ruth, 1892-1969 (MSS 476), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Law, Robert Cornwell, b. 1937 - Collector (SC 2736), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Lawson, Alex R., 1858-1925 (SC 758), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Lawson, H. M. (SC 728), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Lawson, Marjorie (Barker) (SC 673), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Learning about a Career Interest Using Different Platform: Civil Engineering Research, Saeed Aldawsari
Leeds, Steven, b. 1968 (SC 864), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Lee, Robert Edward, 1807-1870 (SC 665), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Lee, Robert Edward, 1807-1870 (SC 694), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Legal Considerations: Student Activities, Organizations & Greek Life, John Sanders
Leg Dominance and Its Affect on Variables Related to Leap Performance, Daniella N. Rodriguez; Scott P. McLean, Ph.D.; and Jimmy C. Smith, Ph.D.
Lehman-Collet Papers (MSS 474), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Lewis, Brandon (SC 1064), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Lewis, Brandon (SC 1064), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Lewis, Harriet Ellen "Ella" (Ivey), b. 1837 (SC 961), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Lewman, Mrs. Earl (SC 570), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Like or Dislike: The Emotional Toll of Being on Facebook, Lauren N. Weathers
Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865 (SC 666), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Lindeman, E. G. (SC 610), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Lind, Jenny, 1820-1887 (SC 1109), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Lindsay, William, 1835-1909 (SC 569), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Lindsey, Guy (SC 1146), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Linn, Benjamin, 1750-1814 (LG 445), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Lobb, Dorothy (Willoughby) (FA 764), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Local Legacies Project (FA 625), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Lock, Benjamin (LG 4), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Logan, Benjamin, 1743-1802 and Ann (Montgomery) Logan, 1752-1825 (SC 692), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Logan County, Kentucky - Caves (SC 1104), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Logan County, Kentucky - Surveys and surveying (SC 722), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Logan, Mary Middleton (Curd), b. 1915 - Collector (SC 2751), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Logan Presbyterial Executive Committee Minutes - Kentucky (SC 734), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Long Brothers Realtors - Bowling Green, Kentucky (SC 1000), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Looking Back: Librarian Describes Louisville Free Public Library Flood Damage in 1937, Jonathan Jeffrey
"Lord Keep Us Safe This Night": Religious Imagery in Depression-Era Rural Quilts, Kelsey N. Mattingly
Lost River Cave - Bowling Green, Kentucky (SC 846), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Love, Margaret (SC 1065), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Love, Margaret (SC 1065), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Loving, John, 1770-1827 (SC 985), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Low-density Lipoprotiens, Body Mass Index, and the Female Sex Are Predictors of Reduced Cutaenous Reactive Hyperemia In Human Skin, D. Craighead, J. Dahmus, W. Larry Kenney, and L. Alexander-Holowatz
Lowther, Charles Ernest, b. 1951 (SC 649), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Lucas, Charles (LG 19), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Lude, Kirk (SC 1147), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Lyle, Allene P., 1919-2010 (SC 2663), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Lyle, James Edward, 1876-1944 (SC 2677), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Lyne, John (LG 8), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Maddox, Natalie (SC 1066), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Maddox, Natalie (SC 1066), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Making Good: An Exploratory Study of the Socialization, Identity, and Sensemaking of Mission Trip Volunteers, Katelin Frederick
Mallory, Robert, 1815-1885 (SC 641), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Mammoth Cave - Deeds (SC 733), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Manar, Edna Earl (Moore), 1887-1972 (SC 1189), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Marana, Nick (SC 1067), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Marquess, Kathleen Caroline (Perkins), 1895-1973 (SC 1018), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Martin, Charles Roy, 1892-1984 (SC 770), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Martin, Grace Lee 1883-1968 (SC 2718), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Martin, Lanna Gayle, b. 1961 (SC 1023), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Martin, Robert Green, 1839-1913 (SC 834), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Mary Reed Cooke Music Club - Smiths Grove, Kentucky (SC 2712), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
"Mary" (SC 871), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Massachusetts Abolition Society - Boston, Massachusetts (SC 1084), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Mastrean, Dena (SC 1068), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Matlock Family Papers (MSS 450), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Mattathias' Other Son: The Story of the Maccabean Revolt (A Novel), Ameliah E. Given
Matthews, James (SC 957), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Mauldin, Martha, 1920-2006 (SC 1096), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
May, George (SC 582), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Mayhew, Cornelius Harmon, 1872-1963 (SC 2768), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
May, John (LG 9), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
McBrayer, Kent - Collector (SC 873), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
McClernand, John Alexander, 1812-1900 (SC 800), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
McCluskey, Terry Cleon, 1920-2002 (SC 925), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
McCormack, Arthur Thomas, 1872-1943 (SC 749), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
McCormack, Joseph Nathaniel, 1847-1922 (SC 1005), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
McCreary County, Kentucky - Cultural Resource Survey (FA 623), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
McCreery, Thomas Clay, 1816-1890 (SC 568), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
McCullough, Crystal - Letters to (SC 1148), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
McElroy, Sallie (Atkins), 1872-1955 (SC 942), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
McGown, Hattie Russ (SC 2656), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
McGuire, Robert (SC 784), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
McKay, Silas H., b. 1808? (SC 2682), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
McKinney, Thurman Ray, Jr., 1931-2008 (SC 1093), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
McNeel, Joseph and John McNeel (LG 443), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
McReynolds, Benjamin, 1767-1845 (SC 2713), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Meador, Isabel (Sarver), 1832-1912 (SC 2683), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Meador, John, b. 1854 (SC 2779), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Measurements of Heart Rate and Accelerometry to Determine the Physical Activity Level in Boys Playing Paintball, Michelle Jarvi, Gregory A. Brown, Brandon S. Shaw, and Ina Shaw
Measuring Activity Energy Expenditure: Accuracy of the GT3X+ and Actiheart Monitors, David McMinn, Rijan Acharya, David A. Rowe, Stuart R. Gray, and Julia L. Allan
Measuring Empowerment: A Program Evaluation of the Youth Organization Sal y Luz in Medellin, Colombia, Ashley D. Fitzsimons
Measuring the Effects of Pre-workout Supplementation on Resting Metabolic Rate, R. Harper, V. Sodhi, A. Torre, and M. Lafferty
Meek and Milam - Frankfort, Kentucky (SC 915), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Meers, Nora (SC 1040), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Meeting the Needs of Gifted Students by Providing Year-Long Professional Development on Differentiated Instruction, Barbara M. Rollins
Melton Family Papers (MSS 123), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Memo - A Summary of Senate Activities; Observations, Tom Jones and WKU University Senate
Memo - Bi-Term Proposal Information & Survey, WKU University Senate
Meredith, R. Mitchell (Mrs.) (SC 2673), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Metabolic Requirements of Farmers/Ranchers Performing Simulated Occupational Tasks: Recommendations for Cardiovascular Rehabilitation, Shannon L. Jordan, Rebecca Rogers, Justin Karcher, Kathleen Kennedy, Anne Lawrence, and Jenny Adams
Metabolic Responses to High Intensity Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercises, K. Mahoney, K. Beil, P. Messersmith, A. Parker, K. Jones, S. D. McCole, and J. A. McKenzie
Mexic, Darren, b. 1979 (SC 1069), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Microvascular Function Is Reduced In Normotensive Salt-Sensitive Individuals Independent of Dietary Sodium Intake, J. J. DuPont, J. L. Greaney, E. M. Matthews, S. L. Lennon-Edwards, W. B. Farquhar, and D. G. Edwards
Middleton, Amanda (SC 817), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Military Student Services [newsletter], Tonya Archey
Military Student Services [newsletter], Tonya Archey
Miller, Holly Jo, b. 1970 (SC 860), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Milliken, Edna Beatrice (Myers) Moore, 1921-2005 - Collector (SC 571), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Mills, Barbara Ann (Tucker), b. 1931 (SC 921), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Minimizing Travel Time Through Multiple Media With Various Borders, Tonja Miick
Minton, Stella (Phelps), 1892-1986, Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Mitchell, Bernice Margaret, 1903-2000 (SC 893), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Mize, Melinda - Letters to (SC 1149), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Modified Strength Testing Protocol For Use In Subjects With Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction, J. Cady, J. Noffey, and C. Neville
Mohr, James (SC 2676), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Molecular Mechanics of Oxaliplatin and an Oxaliplatin Derivative with Their Relevant Biological Targets, Daniel C. Jackson
Montell, William Lynwood, b. 1931 - Collector (SC 2765), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Montjoy, John Pete, 1913?-1937 (SC 990), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Moore, Carlos Wright, 1884-1951 (MSS 156), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Moore, Mary Elizabeth (Taylor) Leiper, 1885-1973 (MSS 387), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Moore, Mary (Taylor) Leiper, 1885-1973 (SC 1082), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Moore, Mary (Taylor) Leiper, 1885-1973 (SC 584), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Moore, Mary (Taylor) Leiper, 1885-1973 (SC 887), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Morehead, Charles Slaughter, 1802-1868 (SC 583), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Morgan, Billy Brandon, b. 1929 (SC 1111), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Morgan, David L. (SC 1182), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Morgan, John Hunt, 1825-1864 - Relating to (SC 952), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Morgan, John Hunt, 1826-1864 - Relating to, 1863 (SC 1019), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Morningstar, Jane (Hines), 1904-1989 (SC 2714), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Morningstar, Robert Evans, 1866-1944 (SC 814), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Morphew, Marvin Ellis, 1924-2000 (SC 977), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Morton, David, 1886-1957 (SC 684), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Moser, John G. (SC 2728), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Moses Helm (CS 71 .H4773 2008), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Mothers Club - Bowling Green, Kentucky (MSS 113), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Motley, Matthew, 1786-1845 (SC 591), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Mountain Mushroom Festival (FA 631), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Moxley, Frank Otha, 1908-2004 (SC 1036), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Moxley, Frank Otha, 1908-2004 (SC 950), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church - Barren County, Kentucky (SC 2770), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Muir, John Wakefield, 1909-1991 (SC 633), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Murdoch, Louise Saunders, 1872-1918 - Letters to (SC 937), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Murphy, James W. (SC 779), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
NABLA Fractional Calculus and Its Application in Analyzing Tumor Growth of Cancer, Fang Wu
Natcher, William Huston, 1909-1994 (SC 2761), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Natcher, William Huston, 1909-1994 (SC 755), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Natcher, William Huston, 1909-1994 (SC 897), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Natcher, William Huston, 1909-1994 (SC 938), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Certification and Teacher Self-Efficacy, Lynn A. Hines
Natural Selection: A Concept in Need of Some Evolution?, Charles H. Smith
Nazro, Johanna Louisa (Underwood), 1840-1923 (SC 1089), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Neal, Mary Julia, 1905-1994 - Compiler (SC 898), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Neal, Mary Julia, 1905-1995 (SC 1112), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Negotiating Cultural Values in a Learning Environment, Michael Rowland, Editor and Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, Kentucky
Nelson, William D., 1824-1862 (SC 642), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
New Matriarchs: Louisville, Kentucky (FA 768), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Newsletter, Vol. 1, No. 5, WKU University Senate
Newsletter, Vol. 1, No. 7, WKU University Senate
Newsletter, Vol. I, No. 2, WKU University Senate
Newspaper Carriers - Warren County, Kentucky (SC 1176), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Nintendo Wii Free Run vs. Treadmill Running: A Comparison of Physiological and Metabolic Data, C. E. Brightbill, J. M. Smoliga, and A. J. Fradkin
Noe, James Thomas Cotton, 1864-1953 (SC 1021), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Notes, Phrases, and Clauses: An Examination of Identity in Music Focused Conversation, Bryan Cannon
Not Quite Out on the Streets: Examining Protective and Risk Factors for Housing Insecurity among Low-Income Urban Fathers, Colleen E. Wynn
Novel Applications of Multivariate Methods for Exploring Personality in African Elephants, Shilo Kimberly Felton
Novel Materials for Use in Homeland Security Research, Jason Osgood Ewen Young
"Now Imagine You're One of Them": Using Serious Games to Induce Identification with Out-Groups, Ganer L. Newman IV
Nursing with Eating, Activity, and Supportive Environment (EASE) : Effects of an Eight-week Mentoring Program, April V. Lane Hartmann, Laura Van Winkle-Preston, Peggy Mancuso, Gayle Roux, Shannon Scott, and Nancy M. DiMarco
Nye, Lena (Kennedy) Covington, 1873-1970 (SC 931), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Oakland, Kentucky - Municipal Government (SC 1034), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Oates Realty Company - Bowling Green, Kentucky (SC 2776), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Obenchain, Lida (Calvert), 1856-1935 (SC 578), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Obenchain, Lida (Calvert), 1856-1935 (SC 726), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Obenchain, Lida (Calvert), 1856-1935 (SC 792), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Office of International Programs & Study Abroad & Global Learning 2012-13 Annual Report, Craig Cobane
Ogden College of Science & Engineering Newsletter, Cheryl Stevens, Dean and Patricia L. Reynolds
Ogden College of Science & Engineering Newsletter, Odgen College of Science & Engineering, Western Kentucky University and Cheryl Stevens, Dean
O'Hara Records (SC 735), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Ohio County, Kentucky - Court Records (SC 825), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Oliver, James Earl (SC 874), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Oliver, Michael, b. 1959 (SC 1194), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Olson, Celia (Ross), 1854-1937 (SC 1168), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
On Metal synthesis of Some Substituted Rhenium and Manganese Complexes, Jaron Michael Thomas
On The System of Knowledge: A Classification of Studies Within the Field of Geography*, Charles H. Smith
Opening Faculty and Staff Convocation Speech 2013, President Gary Ransdell
Oral History Project - History Department - Western Kentucky University (MSS 411), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
O'Reilly, Gregory, b. 1966 (SC 1070), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Orientation and Residence Life: Legal Considerations, Cady Denton, Samuel Earls, Nikki N. Eversole, Robin Hume, Stephanie Lott, and Kathryn Looft
Orrahood, Marvin David, 1923-2000 (MSS 465), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Orrahood, M. David, 1923-2000 (SC 2657), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Outcomes associated with a university outdoor adventures women’s canoe trip, Joanna Libby and Cynthia Carruthers
Outdoor orientation program trends at colleges and universities in the United States, Brent J. Bell and David Starbuck
Outdoor recreation journals: A topical analysis from 2009-2012, Raymond A. Poff, Tammie Stenger-Ramsey, Ron Ramsing, and Steve Spencer
Overcoming Barriers to Local Food Access: A Case Study, Brittany Ryan
Overcoming Barriers to Teaching Action-Based Environmental Education: A Multiple Case Study of Teachers in the Public School Classroom, Terry Rachael Adams
Owen County, Kentucky - Cultural Resource Survey (FA620), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Oxygen Cost of Performing Selected Adult and Child Care Activities, Nathanael Meckes, Jesse W. Vezina, Stephen D. Herrmann, Brandon J. Sawyer, Siddhartha Angadi, and Barbara E. Ainsworth
Pace Family Papers (MSS 458), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Pace, Langston (LG 437), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Pack, Larry J., b. 1932 (SC 2670), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Padgett, David L. (SC 1150), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Page, Evelyn, 1845-1928 (SC 982), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Page, Leonard, 1762-1836 (SC 1191), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Painting Connections, Wesley Miller
Park City Hotel Company - Bowling Green, Kentucky (SC 1015), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Parks, Sherman, b. 1890? (SC 1006), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Parrish, Roger M., 1891-1964 (SC 958), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Parsley, Rachel, b. 1991 (FA 593), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Patrick, William (SC 947), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Patrons of Husbandry Lodge #1372 - Barren County, Kentucky (SC 712), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Patterson, Frank Young, 1895-1969 (SC 901), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Patti's 1880s Settlement Restaurant, Chip Tullar
Pearce, John Ed., 1917-2006 (SC 786), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Peck, Chad W. (SC 856), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Pendergraft, Jay (SC 1071), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Penn, Anna Ruth (SC 1013), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Penn, Shadrach, Jr., 1790-1846 (SC 759), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Perceived Classroom Management Needs of Pre-Service Teachers, Nielsen Pereira and Jillian Gates
Perceptions of Peer Leadership Among Honors Students, Christy M. Culbreth
Perry, Minerva W. (Martin), 1820-1906 (SC 592), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Persian Gulf War, 1991 - Letters (SC 1020), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Persian Gulf War, 1991 (SC 1008), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Persian Gulf War, 1991 (SC 1037), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Persian Gulf War, 1991 (SC 1160), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Personal Reflections on JUMAH COLA TIME TO DRINK and a Declaration of Ideals, Joel R. Fickel
Peter's Creek Baptist Church - Barren County, Kentucky (MSS 487), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Phelps Family Papers (SC 995), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Phelps, Lilburn, 1870-1956 (SC 699), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Phonemic Awareness: Do You Hear What I Hear?, Jennifer Timberlake, Brittany Mahler, and Alexander Michael Miller
Phonics Instruction, Katelyn C. Pace, Rebekah Pribula, and Shea Thrash
Physiological Markers of Phase Change in Heart Rate Response to Work, Ashleigh Welter, Cory Scott, and Frank Wyatt
Pinto, Chelsea (FA 591), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Plain & Simple: The Will to Live Sustainably in an Unsustainable World, Brandi Nichole Button
Plan B Topic: Annotated Resource List, Payton Roberts
Planned Ignoring, Emily Glass and Cayla Mayes
Plaschke, Paul Albert, 1880-1954 (SC 576), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Players' Guild - Bowling Green, Kentucky (SC 2746), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Poe Family Papers (SC 1116), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Pontius, Earl John, 1913-1980 (MSS 425), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Porter, Jack C. (SC 862), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Porter, Roger Charles, 1887-1963 (SC 1003), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Porter, William Logan, 1842-1937 (SC 567), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Postwar Advisory Planning Commission of Kentucky (SC 611), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Poteet, Penny Lynne, b. 1971 (SC 847), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Potter College - Bowling Green, Kentucky (SC 655), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Potter, Julian Whitfield, 1889-1926 - Relating to (SC 1114), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Potts, Emily (FA 598), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Powers, Caleb, 1869-1932 (SC 2777), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Predicting Future Falls in the Elderly Using the Timed Up and Go Test, Pearl M. Kafoa and Casi R. Helbig
Predicting Rowing Performance in Male and Female Collegiate Rowers Using Selected Measures of Lower Body Power and Lower Leg Passive Stiffness, Laura L. Castleberry
Prediction of Total Body and Regional Strength Using Dexa Body Composition Measurements, Alex T. Carradine, Brad S. Lambert, and Stephen F. Crouse
Predictive Admission Criteria in Graduate Programs in Speech-Language Pathology, Mary Lloyd Moore
Preliminary Data Regarding How Wheelchair Axle Position Effects the Energy Cost of Assistants Pushing Wheelchairs Designed for Low-Resource Settings., Matthew K. Sturm, Josh VanLeer, Nathan Lowe, and Karen Rispin
Preliminary Report - IGP 1.1 Enrollment Projections, WKU University Senate
Preseason And Post Season Body Composition Does Not Change Relative To Playing Time In Division I Female Basketball Players, Emma Ladwig, Andrew L. Shim, Jae P. Yom, Patrick Cross, and Justin Beebe
Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity in Asian American Students Using Asian Specific Criteria to Determine Weight Classification, Jennette P. Moreno, Craig A. Johnston, Sarah Aimadeddine, and Deborah L. Whoeler
Price, Sarah Frances "Sadie," 1849-1903 (SC 2709), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Program Evaluation of Behavior Management Training for Preschool Teachers: Child Outcomes, Erika Nicole Christianson
Progression Through Partnerships, Aurelia Spaulding, Editor and Leah Ashwill, Director
Promoting resiliency in adolescent girls through adventure education, Anja Whittington, Nadine Budbill, and Jeff Aspelmeier
Prophylactic Effect if Growth Hormone on Zebrafish Auditory Hair Cell Damage, Mackenzie C. Perkins
Quarterly Meeting, WKU Regents
Quarterly Meeting, WKU Regents
Quirey, Aaron Winston, 1896-1965 (SC 1014), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Raabe, Sandra M. - Letters to (SC 1171), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Radford, A. Todd (SC 1151), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Radford, A. Todd (SC 1152), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Ragland, Florence, 1861-1949 (SC 827), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Rainwater Harvesting: Examining the Potential of Rainfall Collection as a Stormwater Best Management Practice and a Supplement to Municipal Water at WKU, Ashley C. McCloughan
Ransdell, Charles M. (LG 25), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Rapid Onset Pressor Response During Isometric Exercise in Postmenopausal Hypertensive Women, K. T. Colodner, J. L. Greaney, M. M. Wenner, and W. B. Farquhar
Ravelings (FA 752), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Ray, A. W. (SC 799), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Raymer, Lloyd Monroe, 1943-2012 (MSS 449), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Raymer, Sabra (SC 1072), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Reaction of Halogenated Hydrocarbons with Cysteine and Nucleotides, Brittany S. Morgan
Reactions of Platinum(II) Compounds with Selenium Containing Amino Acids, Stephanie Robey
Reading Comprehension Poster, Kelsey Beach, Elizabeth Bean, and Hannah Christian
Reading, William (LG 18), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Recommended Research Literature for Students in Undergraduate and Master's Degree Survey Courses in Exercise Physiology--A Pilot Study, Cynthia Cronin and James A. Schwane
Record, Thomas (LG 1), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Recreational deer hunting tree stand injuries in the USA: A brief review, Phil A. Bishop, Nathan A. Frischmann, and Eric J. Jones
Red Flags in Family History and Auscultations that may require 12-Lead ECG when Screening Athletes, Annise V. Nalepa, Jennifer S. Blevins-Naughton, Jamie Cvikel, Ryan Eaton, and Steve J. Simpson
Reed, William Langely (SC 859), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Reeves, A. C. (SC 772), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Refugee Services in Kentucky: A Case-Study of CEDARS in Bowling Green, KY, Mia J. Jackson
Regression Models for Strength Assessment Method Selection and Performance Predictions, C. Lefever, J. H. Anning, and B. T. Jensen
Regressions on Personality and Political Preferences of Greek Letter Social Organizations, Michael B. Armstrong
Reinventing Aromatic Substitution: A Novel Look, Quang Nguyen
Relationship Between Arterial Stiffness and Cerebral Vascular Reactivity in College-aged African Americans, Chansol Hurr
Relationship Between One Repetition Maximum Strength and Peak Power Output for the Free-Weight Bench Press Exercise, Ibrahim K. Munayer, Matt S. Stock, Micheal J. Luera, and JoCarol E. Shields
Relationship of Mechanomyographic Amplitude to Torque Using a New Accelerometer Based Device, M. J. McMahon and S. Mookerjee
Relationships Between Lower Body Muscular Strength and Power After Downhill Running, Daniel R. Machin, Kevin M. Christmas, Douglas Van Pelt, Justin R. Trombold, and Edward F. Coyle
Relationships between Peak Oxygen Uptake and Arterial Function: a Preliminary Study, M. Pearman, E. DeVallance, S. Fournier, D. Bonner, B. E. Warden, W. Gharib, D. Donley, and P. Chantler
Renfrow, Damon (SC 1073), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Research on the Experiences of International Graduate Students: A Selective Literature Review, Bryan M. Carson
Resistance exercise during hindlimb unloading in rats mitigates disuse-induced bone loss, Michael M. Hedges
Responses of Serum Lipids and Lipoproteins Following Power-based Resistance Training in Athletes, Catherine Wu
Reynolds, William (LG 7), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Rhoades, Lisa Jo (SC 858), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Rhoton, Fred, b. 1946 (SC 1198), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Rice, Alice Caldwell (Hegan), 1870-1942 (SC 943), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Richards, Beatrice (Lightfoot), 1900-1989 (SC 768), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Richardson, Samuel Bainbridge, 1803-1864 (SC 707), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Richardson, Sarah Pickett, b. 1944 (SC 2653), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Richey, Nancy Carol, b. 1959 - Collector (SC 2660), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Riggs, Hazel (SC 2738), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Riggs Refining Company - Warren County, Kentucky (MSS 442), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Risner, Randall (FA 755), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Ritter Daybook (MSS 98), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Rivera, Michael, b. 1988 (FA 766), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Roark, Ethel Elizabeth (Stagner), 1913-1992 (MSS 105), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Roberts, Elizabeth Madox, 1881-1941 (SC 959), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Robinson, Lucille (SC 764), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Robinson, Mollie B., b. 1860 (SC 656), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Rodes Collection (MSS 427), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Rogers, Edmund, 1762-1843 - Letters to (SC 738), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Rood, Bryan, b. 1948 (SC 1184), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Rosenbaum, Michael Owen, b. 1972 (SC 853), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Rothert, Otto Arthur, 1871-1956 (SC 716), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Rothman, Michael C. (SC 1153), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Rowan Family Letters (SC 745), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Royalty, John M., b. 1862 (SC 597), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Runner, William E. (LG 27), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Runner, William Taylor, 1890-1969 (SC 989), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Russell, Jack M. (SC 2692), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Russell, William Allen, 1902-1990 & Geneva Russell, 1906-2008 (SC 905), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Sampson, Flemon Davis, 1875-1967 (SC 964), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Sanders, Eric B. (FA 758), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Sanders, Richard "Richie" A., Jr., b. 1963 (SC 1154), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Sand Hill Democratic Club - Warren County, Kentucky (SC 809), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Sandidge, Hattie McMillan (Williams), 1876-1942 (SC 742), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Sandidge, Janice (SC 1074), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Sanford, John D. (SC 879), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Saudi Male Perceptions of Study in the United States: An Analysis of King Abdullah Scholarship Program Participants, Terry Ryan Hall
Schenck, William T. Y., d. 1904 (SC 2690), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Schultz, Hattie Neil (Scates) Coraine, 1878-1966 (SC 917), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Scott, John M. (SC 630), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Scott, Kevin (SC 1155), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Scott, Lavinia R., b. 1912? (SC 804), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Scott, Mary Beth (SC 1075), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Seay Family Letters (SC 653), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Secondary School Athletic Administration Certification: State Oversights, Requirements, and Pressing Issues Athletic Directors Encounter, Christopher L. Gaddis
Selective Catalytic Oxidation of Organic Sulfides by Iron (III) Porphryin Catalysts and Generation of Iron (IV)-OXO Prophyrin Radical Cations, Nawras A. Asiri
Self, Hazel Ruth, b. 1918 (SC 660), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Self-Regulation and Physical Activity in WKU Employees, Scott Perkins
Self, Sarah Elizabeth, b. 1915 (SC 657), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Sense of Community in Graduate Online Education: Contribution of Learner to Learner Interaction, Jo Lita Shackelford and Margaret G. Maxwell
Serum sIL-6Rα Predicts Impairments in Cutaneous Nitric Oxide-Dependent Vasodilation in Humans, J. Kutz, J. Cannon, W. Larry Kenney, and L. Alexander-Holowatz
Session, Segmented Session, and Acute RPE and Affective Responses to Self-selected Treadmill Exercise, L. Haile, Michael Gallagher Jr., A. Haile, Curt B. Dixon, Fredric L. Goss, and Robert J. Robertson Dr.
Setting Sail for Early Learning Success: Using a Data-based Decision Making Process to Measure and Monitor Outcomes in Early Childhood Programs, Howard S. Muscott, Tina M. Pomerleau, Kristy L. Park, Elizabeth A. Steed, Andy J. Frey, and Tara L. Korfhage
Settle, Simon Dewitt, 1899-1963 (SC 2727), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Sex Differences in the Hemodynamic Response to Arm Elevation, A Kasprowicz, B Tarzia, J. Davies, D. Casey, and K Heffernan
Shakers - South Union, Kentucky - Legal Papers (SC 631), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Shakers - South Union, Kentucky (SC 725), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Shakers - South Union, Kentucky (SC 731), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Shakers - South Union, Kentucky (SC 816), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Shakers - South Union, Ky. - Slaughtering of Animals (SC 1113), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Shannon Family Letters, 1784-1968 (SC 563), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Shannon, Thomas Jefferson, 1801-1895 (SC 561), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Shearer, Guy Cooper, 1909-1982 (SC 2669), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Shearer, Guy Cooper, 1909-1982 (SC 566), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Shelby, Isaac, 1750-1826 (SC 690), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Shelby, Isaac, 1750-1826 (SC 820), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Shelley, James Adam (FA 597), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Shepherd, Katherine A. (SC 1156), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Shirley, W. E. (Mrs.) (SC 2671), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Sight Words, Megan Copass, Joshua Bewley, and Laura Beth Blanford
Simons, J. R. (SC 1092), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Simulated Galactic Cosmic Radiation Exposure Impairs Mouse Vertebral Bone Adaptations to Exercise During Recovery From Partial Weightbearing, Katherine A. Elmer, Ramon D. Boudreaux, Corinne E. Metzger, and Susan A. Bloomfield
Single Step Synthesis of Antibiotic Kanamycin Embedded Gold Nanoparticles for Efficient Antibacterial Activity, Shravan Gavva
Skaggs Transfer, Incorporated - Bowling Green, Kentucky (MSS 446), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Skaggs, William C., 1818-1896 - Collector (SC 981), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Skiles, Henry Hamilton, 1832-1889 (SC 2688), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Skin and Cerebral Vascular Function / Reactivity in Healthy Young Adult African Americans, Kiyoung Kim
Slavery - Contract, 1818 (SC 886), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Slavery - Tennessee (SC 704), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Sloan, Melissa Jean, b. 1965? (SC 791), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Slocum, Vicki L. (Stofer), b. 1942 (SC 767), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Smith, Alexander (SC 596), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Smith, Beulah Ethel (Morgan), 1894-1987 (SC 815), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Smith, Charles Ferguson, 1807-1862 (SC 1011), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Smith, Cooper Ray, 1887-1951 (SC 983), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Smith, Elizabeth, 1824-1920 (SC 2706), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Smith Family (SC 2763), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Smith, Howard, 1922-1944 (SC 1001), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Smiths Grove College - Smiths Grove, Kentucky (SC 2649), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Smith, Travis Edwin, b. 1898 (SC 2734), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Somerville, Thomas Wilson (LG 2), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
South Central Rural Telephone Cooperative Corporation, Inc. (SC 1004), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Southern College of Kentucky - Bowling Green, Kentucky (SC 780), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Southern Foundry Company - Owensboro, Kentucky (SC 944), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Southern Region Baptist Woman's Missionary Union of Kentucky (MSS 175), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Spainhoward, William C., b. 1948 (SC 960), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Spatial Analysis of Fatal Automobile Crashes in Nashville, TN, 2001-2011, Yan Chen
Speed, John Orville, 1871-1970 (SC 933), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Spelling in the Classroom, Sue Ellen Yeiser, Allen Ehredt, and Margaret Haydon
Spicker, Maxwell Pryse, Jr., 1920-1985 (SC 2794), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Spiller, Cora Jane (Morningstar), b. 1926 - Collector (SC 2662), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Spiller, Cora Jane (Morningstar), b. 1926 - Collector (SC 2762), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Spurlock, Christy Leigh, b. 1963 (MSS 451), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Squires, Bailey Marie, b. 1989 (FA 589), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Staats, Abyram P., 1839-1931 (SC 968), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Stahl, Albert C. (SC 1157), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Stahl, Sandra Fulkerson, b. 1950 (SC 1124), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Stamps, William Perry, Jr., 1914-2006 (MSS 102), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Stamps, William Perry, Jr., 1914-2006 (SC 1123), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Stanley, John Hart, 1808 - 1976? - Relating to (SC 1091), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Star Spangled Saints: Ritual Practices that Legitimate War and Violence in the American Church, Terry Dewayne Shoemaker
St. Clair, Arthur, 1737-1818 (SC 894), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Steamboats - Log books (SC 777), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Steamboats - Log books (SC 778), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Steele, John, b. 1772 (SC 2755), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Stephenson, Lisa Kay (SC 861), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
St. Mary's Catholic Church - Franklin, Kentucky (SC 1105), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Stone, Amy Michelle (Hodgkins), b. 1972 (SC 836), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Strahm, Victor Herbert, 1897-1957 (SC 2651), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Street, James William, 1858-1944 (MSS 478), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Stress Reactivity in Humans and Animals: Two Meta-Analyses, Brad Wipfli and Ernesto Ramirez
Stringfield, James (LG 26), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Strode, Wendell Kay, b. 1948 (SC 926), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Strong, Beulah, 1866-1951 (SC 1041), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Stuart, Jesse Hilton, 1907-1984 (SC 1043), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Stuart, Jesse Hilton, 1907-1984 (SC 2686), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Stuart, Jesse Hilton, 1907-1984 (SC 902), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Student Affairs: An Apologia, Aaron W. Hughey
Students Serving Students: Perceived Benefits of Direct Community Service, Ashley M. Taylor
Sublett, William (SC 803), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Suddath, Michael Alan (SC 1158), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Suicide-Related Imagining and Acquired Capability: Investigating the Role of Imagery in Self-Harm Behaviors, Tara C. Holaday
Sullivan, Betty A. - Letters to (SC 1159), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Sumpter, William Cullin, 1862-1958 (SC 748), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Sutherland and Read Family Papers (MSS 468), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Sutherland, Daniel, 1797-1835 (SC 589), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Sutton Family (SC 973), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Suydam, Louise Twyman, 1915-1991 (SC 833), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Sweeten, Lena L. (SC 1174), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Swinney, William (LG 6), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Synthesis and Characterization of Manganese Pyridazyl Complexes, Sana Shah
Synthesis and Characterization of Metallocorrole and Metalloporphyrin Complexes for Catalytic Oxidations, Zhibo Yuan
Synthesis and Computational Studies of a New Class of Lanthanide Niobate Cluster : [Ln4(H2O)8(SO4)5(NbO3)2]+3H2O; Ln= Dy, Tb, Brady D. Garabato
Synthesis and Structures of New Three-Dimensional Copper Metal-Organic Frameworks, Nitin Kumar Pally
Synthesis of Rhenium and Manganese Pyridazoal Complexes, Jesse Evans
Tabor, Sharon - Collector (SC 2704), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Talbott, John Daniel, 1883-1950 (SC 2707), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Taliaferro, Lucy, 1844?-1893? (SC 828), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Tapp, George Hambleton, 1900-1994 (SC 2739), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Taylor, Isaac (LG 438), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Taylor, Jerome W. (SC 1161), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Taylor, Lee Arnold, 1894-1919 (SC 984), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Taylor, Robert (SC 1162), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Taylor, Zachary, 1784-1850 (SC 1038), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Teachers and teaching - Powell County, Kentucky, 1909 (SC 927), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Teachers College Heights, Vol. 15, No. 2, Western Kentucky University
Teachers’ Perceptions of the Federal Definition of Gifted and Talented, Bruce Battles
Teaching Errorless Learning with Fidelity, Garrett Stone and Kory Ray
Teleconnective Influences on the Strength of Post-tropical Cyclones, Jeremy Young
Terrain classification, climbing Exposure, and technical management, Jeff Rose
Thackrey, Joseph (LG 3), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Thatcher, Monica (SC 1076), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
The Acute Effects of Hatha Yoga on Psychological and Physiological Measures Associated with Stress, Lyndsey Resnik
The Acute Effects of Kinesio Tape™ On Athletic Performance in Healthy Individuals, Kara F. Solomon, Scott P. McLean, and Jimmy Smith
The Acute Effects of L-Arginine On Recovery and Resistance Exercise, A. Garcia, J. Hlasney, J. Frost, W. A. Braun, and J. Sanders
The Analysis of Two Different Types of Tapers on Exercise Performance, Christina Rial and David L. Nichols Ph.D., FACSM
The Challenge: Magazine for Gifted Studies, The Center for Gifted Studies and Tracy Inman
The Challenge, Magazine for The Center for Gifted Studies, Tracy Inman, Editor and Julia Link Roberts
The Concise Guide to the Modern Calvinist/Arminian Debate, David J. Leonhardt
The Creation of α2NC1 Transgenic Drosophila melanogaster, Jordan Olberding
The development and scaling of the Teaching Outdoor Education Self-Efficacy Scale, Scott A. Schumann and Jim Sibthorp
The Development of the Culturally Responsive Teaching Assessment Instrument, Janet L. Applin
The Draftsman, Hannah Bowman
The Effect of 28 Days of Beta-Alanine Supplementation on Repeated-Sprint Ability, J. Grazer, F. Azarelo, G. Moir, E. Sauers, and C. A. Witmer
The effect of active vs. supine recovery on heart rate, power output, and recovery time, Lars M. Larson, Ryan M. Smeltzer, John K. Petrella, and Alan P. Jung
The Effect of Age and Exercise Training on Endothelial Function and Protein:Protein Interactions Among eNOS and Its Regulatory Proteins in Rat Aortas, Meredith J. Luttrell, John Seawright, and Christopher R. Woodman
The Effect of Cardiovascular Drift on the Efficacy of Exercise Prescription, Katherine G. Forester, Jimmy Smith, and Scott P. McLean
The Effect of Functional Movement Screen-Based Circuit Training On Balance and Postural Stability, K. Fischer, David J. Stearne PhD, K. Paul, and R. Leonard
The Effect of Herbal Diet on Skeletal Muscle Mass After Resistance Training in Rats, junyoung hong, kijeong Kim, aram yoon, Joon Young Park, and Sukho Lee
The Effect of Motivation on Student Success in a First-Year Experience Course, Kimberly Renee Cunningham
The Effect of Motive and Coworker Liking on the Intention to Perform Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Caley M. Foster
The Effect of Music Tempo on Heart Rate and Rating of Perceived Exertion During Submaximal Exercise, Alison Insell, Michael Daniel, Stacey A. Gaines, and Christopher M. Hearon
The Effect of Prophylactic Knee Braces on Balance and Uninjured Knee Range of Motion, Alexis P. Schmidt, Christopher M. Hearon, and Michael Daniel
The Effect of Skill Level on the Mechanics of a Golf Chip Shot, James Charles, Dr. Jimmy Smith, and Dr. Scott McLean
The Effect of Type II Diabetes Mellitus on Oxygen Uptake Kinetics during Heavy Exercise, Dustin R. Allen, Cory L. Butts, Davor Krnjajic, David Keller, and Paul McDonough
THE EFFECTS OF AEROBIC FATIGUE ON JOINT KINEMATICS AND TORQUE PRODUCTION IN CYCLISTS, M. Dixon, R. Wong, K. Csicsery, A. Popich, D. Klassen, V. Mehndiratta, and B. Higginson
The Effects of Caffeine on Maximal Anaerobic Exercise, K. Ogden, J. Haak, Harold S. Kieffer, and N. Marlowe
The Effects of Exercise on Depression and Quality of Life in Active and Sedentary Floor Nurses, Patrick B. Collins MS, ACSM-HFS
The Effects of Fire on the Vernal Herbs of an Eastern Mesic Forest, David Randolph Kem
The Effects of Foam Rolling and Static Stretching on Flexibility and Acute Muscle Soreness, E. Howe, A. Lininger, L. Schlegel, A. Harwell, S. Paulson, William Braun, and J. Sanders
The effects of gender and health related fitness components on body mass index, body fat and blood pressure in kinesiology students, Jamie M. Cvikel
The Effects of Gender and Implicit Theories on Science Achievement and Interest in Elementary-Aged Students, Savannah Benningfield
The Effects of Heading on Neurocognitive Function in Female Collegiate Soccer Players During an Entire Soccer Season, Sarah E. Nonaka, Scott McLean, and Jimmy Smith
The effects of in-depth outdoor experience on attitudes toward nature, Masahiro Okada, Taito Okamura, and Koji Zushi
The Effects of Load Carriage on the Ground Reaction Force Loading Rates and Physiological Responses of Soldiers, D. Bennett, G. Moir, Shala Davis, and G. Dwyer
The Effects of Standards-Based Grading on Student Performance in Algebra 2, Rachel Beth Rosales
The Effects of the Media on College Age Men: A Study of Muscle Dysmorphic Disorder, Aaron D. Waddell
The Effects of Vascular Occlusion Training on Respiratory Quotient and Energy Expenditure When Coupled with Cardiovascular Training, Justin Sprick, Richard Lloyd Dr, and James Eldridge Dr
The Effects on Students' Intercultural Competence From Intensive Intercultural Service-Learning Through The $100 Solution™ Model, Nadia De León Sautú
The Evolutionary Role of Physician Assistants across the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom, Brayden J. Gerrie and Elizabeth A. Holbrook
The Impact of Classroom Activity Breaks on the School-Day Physical Activity of Rural Children, Teresa Bershwinger and Timothy A. Brusseau
The Influence of Children's Affective Ties on the Goal Clarification Step of Social Information Processing, Amanda C. Thorn
The Influence of Dietary Sugars and Acute Exercise on Postprandial Triglyceride and Glucose Concentration, James R. Rowe, Kyle Biggerstaff, Vic Ben-Ezra, and Nancy DiMarco
The Influence of Exercise Intensity On Post-Exercise Appetite Response, T. Gilson, C. Pamperien, M. Parmer, J. Clugh, M. Allen, S. Paulson, and W. A. Braun
The Influence of Spatial Distance Priming on Test Anxiety and Judgments, Eric R Raap
The Influence of Start Position, Initial Step Type, and Usage of a Focal Point on Sprinting Performance, Jennifer L. Dysterheft, William J. Lewinski, Dawn A. Seefeldt, and Robert W. Pettitt
The Lyme Disease Spirochete in Tick Species Collected from Warren County, Kentucky, Cheryl C. Onwu
The multi-dimensionality of group cohesion: A social network analysis of NOLS courses, Jeremy M. Jostad, Karen Paisley, Jim Sibthorp, and John Gookin
The Psychological and Physiological Effects of Music on Athletic Performance, C. Baughman, R. Maize, B. Malloy, S. Paulson, C. Zientek, and W. A. Braun
The Relationship Between Body Composition and Baseball Performance in Division II Baseball Players, B. Muth, C. A. Witmer, S. E. Davis, and J. Guers
The Relationship Between Eating Disorder Symptomology, Critical Body Comments, and Memory Recall, Morgan Littrell
The Relationship Between Perceived Servant Leadership Constructs and Collective Self-Esteem, LeAnn D. Howell
The Repressors of mTORC1 Signaling, REDD1 and REDD2, Are Induced in Immobilized Rat Skeletal Muscle, A. Kelleher, S. Kimball, M. Dennis, R. Schilder, and L. Jefferson
Thermal and Fluid Balance In Competitive Cycling, N. Fox and D. Burns
The role of gender as it relates to confidence among university outdoor programs’ staff, Eric Frauman and Jessica Washam
The Seven Methods of Co-Teaching, Courtney S. Cheatwood
The Strategic Plan of a Medium-Size Enterprise Compared to the Baldrige Criteria, Jordan Blacklock
The Topper, Rick Wright
The Topper (February 2010), Veterans Upward Bound Project, Western Kentucky University
The Topper (February 2012), Veterans Upward Bound Program, Western Kentucky University
The Topper (June 2010), Veterans Upward Bound Program, Western Kentucky University
The Topper (June 2011), Veterans Upward Bound Program, Western Kentucky University
The Topper (June 2012), Veterans Upward Bound Program, Western Kentucky University
The Topper (March 2011), Veterans Upward Bound Program, Western Kentucky University
The Topper (March 2013), Veterans Upward Bound Program, Western Kentucky University
The Topper (October 2010), Veterans Upward Bound Program, Western Kentucky University
The Topper (October 2011), Veterans Upward Bound Program, Western Kentucky University
The Topper (October 2012), Veterans Upward Bound Program, Western Kentucky University
The Torsion Angle of Random Walks, Mu He
The use and support of intuition among university outdoor program professional staff: A preliminary investigation, Eric Frauman
The Use of Case Study Competitions to Prepare Students for the World of Work, Monica Galloway Burke, Joelle Davis Carter, and Aaron W. Hughey
The Use of the Ostracode Cyprideis Americana (Sharpe) as a Proxy for Salinity in Bahamian Lake Systems, Rachel E. Bowles
The Validity Of 7-Site Skinfold Measurements Taken By Exercise Science Students, Tiago V. Barreira, Matthew S. Renfrow, Wayland Tseh, and Minsoo Kang
The World Needs All Kinds of Minds: TED Talk Annotated Resource List, Brooke Cooper
Third District, Kentucky Branch of the National Congress of Parents and Teachers - Minutes (SC 2687), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Thomas, Alice F., 1843-1911 - Letters to (SC 795), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Thomas, B. W., d. 1839 (SC 721), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Thomas, Clifton David (SC 1163), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Thomas, Edison Hugh, b. 1912 (SC 536), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Thomas, Joseph Vineyard, 1837-1924 (SC 782), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Thomas, Mary (SC 896), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Thomas, Richard Curd, 1838-1879 (SC 675), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Thomas, William Guy, 1889-1987 (SC 838), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Thompson, John D. (SC 1164), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Thompson, Thala E. (Layne), 1907-2003 - Collector (SC 2744), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Thornberry, Martine (Calhoun), 1905-1972 (SC 609), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Thornton, James Bankhead, 1806-1867 (SC 2696), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Thornton, Rachel (FA 596), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Thorpe, Herbert C., 1873-1904 (SC 2764), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Timmons, Gregory Brandon, b. 1991 (FA 761), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Tippins, George Kenneth, 1915-1999 (SC 2772), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Titcomb, John M. (SC 756), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Token Economy, Hendrix Brakefield, Maranda Feldman, and Chelsie Stevens
Tolle Family (SC 674), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Topmiller Family Papers (SC 2778), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Totty Family (SC 2793), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Transiently silencing genes associated with voluntary physical activity using intravenous injection of Vivo‐morpholinos, David P. Ferguson, Emily E. Schmidt, and Dr.Timothy Lightfoot
Travelstead, Nelle (Gooch), 1888-1974 (SC 621), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Travis, Hayley Anne (FA 590), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Trends in Avian Populations of Kentucky and Implications in Conservation, Sara K. Wigginton
Tribulus terrestris: A Study of its Effects on Strength, Body Composition, and Cardiovasuclar Health, William Kaing, Mike Cedeño, and Jennifer Blevins-McNaughton
Troubetskoy, Amelie (Rives), 1863-1945 (SC 574), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Truth, Subjectivity, and the Aesthetic Experience: A Study of Michel Foucault's History of Madness, Clay Graham
Tucker, James Harvey, 1865-1962 (SC 698), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Tucker, Rebecca (SC 1077), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Tunks, Floyd McKinley, 1896?-1959 (SC 729), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Turner, Todd (SC 840), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Turnpikes - Warren County, Kentucky (SC 654), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
Tuttle, John William, 1838-1927 (SC 1197), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives
UA11/1 On Campus, Vol. 7, No. 7, WKU Public Affairs
UA12/10 Career Services, WKU Archives
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, '81 Winter Sports Preview, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 1, No. 14, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 1, No. 15, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 1, No. 16, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 1, No. 17, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 1, No. 19, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 1, No. 20, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 1, No. 21, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 1, No. 3, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 1, No. 4, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 1, No. 5, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 2, No. 1, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 2, No. 2, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald Vol. 2, No. 3, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald Vol. 2, No. 4, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald Vol. 2, No. 5 & 6, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald Vol. 2, No. 9, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald Vol. 3, No. 1, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald Vol. 3, No. 2, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald Vol. 3, No. 4, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 3, No. 5, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 41, No. 10-Z251, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 41, No. 11-Z251, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 41, No. 12-Z251, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 41, No. 13-Z251, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 41, No. 14-Z251, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 41, No. 15-Z251, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 41, No. 15-Z251, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 41, No. 16-Z251, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 41, No. 17-Z251, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 41, No. 17-Z251, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 41, No. 19-Z251, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 41, No. 1-Z251, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 41, No. 20-Z251, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 41, No. 21-Z251, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 41, No. 22-Z251, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 41, No. 23-Z251, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 41, No. 24-Z251, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 41, No. 25-Z251, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 41, No. 26-Z251, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 41, No. 2-Z251, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 41, No. 3-Z251, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 41, No. 4-Z251, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 41, No. 5-Z251, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 41, No. 6-Z251, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 41, No. 7-Z251, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 41, No. 8-Z251, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 41, No. 9-Z251, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 42, No. 11-Z251, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 42, No. 12-Z251, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 42, No. 13-Z251, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 42, No. 14-Z251, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 42, No. 15-Z251, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 42, No. 16-Z251, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 42, No. 17-Z251, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 42, No. 18-Z251, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 42, No. 19-Z251, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 42, No. 20-Z251, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 42, No. 21-Z251, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 42, No. 22-Z251, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 42, No. 23-Z251, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 42, No. 24-Z251, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 42, No. 25-Z251, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 42, No. 26-Z251, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 43, No. 10-Z251, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 43, No. 1-Z251, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 43, No. 2-Z251, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 43, No. 3-Z251, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 43, No. 4-Z251, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 43, No. 5-Z251, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 43, No. 6-Z251, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 43, No. 7-Z251, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 43, No. 8-Z251, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 43, No. 9-Z251, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 47, No. 32, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 47, No. 33, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 48, No. 1, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 48, No. 11-Z251, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 48, No. 12-Z251, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 48, No. 13-Z251, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 48, No. 14-Z251, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 48, No. 15-Z251, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 48, No. 16-Z251, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 48, No. 17, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 48, No. 18, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 48, No. 19, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 48, No. 2, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 48, No. 20, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 48, No. 21, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 48, No. 21 Magazine, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 48, No. 22, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 48, No. 23, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald Vol. 48, No. 24, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 48, No. 24, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 48, No. 25, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 48, No. 26, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 48, No. 27, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 48, No. 28, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 48, No. 29, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 48, No. 3, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 48, No. 4, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 48, No. 5, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 48, No. 6, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 48, No. 7, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 48, No. 8, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 48, No. 8-Z251, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 48, No. 9-Z251, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 10, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 11, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 12, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 12 Magazine, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 13, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 14, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 15, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 16, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 17, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 18, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 19, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 19 Homecoming '81, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 1 Fall Sports Preview, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 1, Section A, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 1, Section B, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 2, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 20, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 21, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 22, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 23, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 24, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 25, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 26, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 27, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 28, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 29, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 3, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 30, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 31, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 32, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 33, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 34, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 35, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 36, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 36, Magazine, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 37, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 38, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 39, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 4, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 40, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 41, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 42, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 43, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 44, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 44, Magazine, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 45, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 45, Spring Sports, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 46, OVC Tournament, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 47, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 48, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 49, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 5, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 50, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 51, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 52, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 52, Magazine, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 53, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 54, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 55, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 56, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 57, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 58, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 59, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 6, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 7, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 8, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 57, No. 9, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 58, No. 38, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 58, No. 38 Magazine, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 58, No. 39, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 58, No. 40, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 58, No. 41, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 58, No. 42, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 58, No. 43, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 58, No. 44, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 58, No. 45, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 58, No. 46, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 58, No. 47, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 58, No. 48, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 58, No. 49, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 58, No. 50, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 58, No. 51, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 58, No. 52, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 58, No. 53, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 58, No. 53 Magazine, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 58, No. 54, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 58, No. 55, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 58, No. 56, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 58, No. 57, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 58, No. 58, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 58, No. 59, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 83, No. 50, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. III, No. 6, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. III, No. 7, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. III, No. 8, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald Vol. I, No. 1, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald Vol. I, No. 10, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald Vol. I, No. 12, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald Vol. I, No. 13, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald Vol. I, No. 6, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald Vol. I, No. 7, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald Vol. I, No. 8, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. IV, No. 10, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. IV, No. 3, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. IV, No. 4, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. IV, No. 5, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. IV, No. 6, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. IV, No. 6, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. IV, No. 7, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. IV, No. 8, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. IV, No. 9, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. IV, No. 9, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. IX, No. 2, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. IX, No. 3, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. IX, No. 4, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. IX, No. 5, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. VIII, No. 1, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald Vol. VIII, No. 10, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald Vol. VIII, No. 11, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald Vol. VIII, No. 12, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald Vol. VIII, No. 13, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. VIII, No. 14, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. VIII, No. 15, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. VIII, No. 16, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. VIII, No. 17, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. VIII, No. 18, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. VIII, No. 19, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. VIII, No. 2, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. VIII, No. 3, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. VIII, No. 4, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. VIII, No. 5, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. VIII, No. 6, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald Vol. VIII, No. 7, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald Vol. VIII, No. 8, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald Vol. VIII, No. 9, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. VII, No. 1, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. VII, No. 10, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. VII, No. 2, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. VII, No. 3, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. VII, No. 4, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. VII, No. 5, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. VII, No. 6, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. VII, No. 7, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. VII, No. 8, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. VII, No. 9, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. VI, No. 10, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. VI, No. 2, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. VI, No. 3, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. VI, No. 4, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. VI, No. 5, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. VI, No. 6, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. VI, No. 7, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. VI, No. 8, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. VI, No. 9, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. V, No. 1, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. V, No. 2, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. V, No. 3, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. V, No. 4, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. V, No. 5, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. V, No. 6, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. V, No. 7, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. V, No. 8, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. V, No. 9, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 Teachers College Heights Vol. 14, No. 5, Western Kentucky University
UA12/2/1 Teachers College Heights Vol. 14, No. 6, Western Kentucky University
UA12/2/1 Teachers College Heights Vol. 15, No. 3, Western Kentucky University
UA12/2/1 Teachers College Heights Vol. 16, No. 4, Western Kentucky University
UA12/2/1 Teachers College Heights Vol. 17 No. 4, Western Kentucky University
UA12/2/1 Teachers College Heights Vol. 17 No. 6, Western Kentucky University
UA12/2/32 Veterans Outreach Week, WKU Student Veterans Alliance and Danielle Adams
UA12/2/33 Black History Month, WKU Association for the Study of African American Life & History
UA12/2/33 Whips & Chains, WKU Association for the Study of African American Life & History
UA12/2/7 Panhellenic Council, WKU Archives
UA12/2 Student Activities & Organizations 1989-90 Annual Report, Scott Taylor
UA12/2 University Center Board Overview, WKU Student Activities, Organizations & Leadership Office
UA12/2 WKU Annual Fraternity System Report Fall 1989-Spring 1990, Kelly Neill
UA12/2 WKU Greek System Preliminary Philanthropic Report for 1989-90, WKU Student Activities, Organizations & Leadership Office
UA12/2 WKU Sorority System Annual Report Fall 1989-Spring 1990, Elizabeth Button
UA12/5 Housing & Residence Life, WKU Archives
UA12/6/2 Invitation, WKU Diversity Programs
UA12/8 Annual Campus Security & Fire Report, WKU Police
UA19/17/1/2 Basketball Program - NCAA Tournament Press Guide, WKU Athletic Media Relations
UA19/17/1/2 Basketball Program - WKU vs. Jacksonville University, WKU Athletic Media Relations
UA19/17/1/2 Basketball Program - WKU vs. LaSalle University, WKU Athletic Media Relations
UA19/17/1/2 Basketball Program - WKU vs. Memphis State University, WKU Athletic Media Relations
UA19/17/1/2 Basketball Program - WKU vs. Texas Tech University, WKU Athletic Media Relations
UA19/17/1/2 Basketball Program - WKU vs. University of Pennsylvania, WKU Athletic Media Relations
UA19/17/2 Constitution of the Western College Players, Western Players
UA19/17/4 Football Program - WKU vs Northern Iowa University, WKU Athletics
UA1A Park City Daily News, No. 237 - WKTC Section, Park City Daily News
UA1B1/7 Invitation to Health Sciences Complex Dedication, WKU Special Events
UA1B1/7 WKU Ceremonies, Dedications, Groundbreakings, WKU Archives
UA1B1/8 Homecoming, WKU Archives
UA1B2/1/2 Oral History, Paula Trafton and Howard Bailey
UA1B2/1/3 Oral History, Paula Trafton and Mary Sample
UA1B2/1/4 Oral History, Paula Trafton and Ray Buckberry
UA1B2/1/5 Oral History, Paula Trafton and Charles Anderson
UA1B2/1/6 Oral History, Paula Trafton and Gertrude Bale
UA1B2/1/7 Oral History, Lydia Kullman and Gary Ransdell
UA1B2/1/8 Oral History Part I, Paula Trafton and Owen Lawson
UA1B2/1/9 Oral History Part II, Paula Trafton and Owen Lawson
UA1B2/1 A Commemoration of WKU's Integration: 1956-2006, WKU Centennial Committee
UA1B2/1 A History of Western Kentucky University: Inspired by Oral Accounts, Lydia Kullman
UA1B2/1 Alcohol Abuse at WKU, Unknown
UA1B2/1 Big Red's Buddies, Jason Brown
UA1B2/1 Clearance Jeanette Interview, Riley Jones
UA1B2/1 Community Relations Powerpoint Presentation, Ali Wright and Jason Brown
UA1B2/1 Former WKU Buildings, Unknown
UA1B2/1 Greek Societies, Unknown
UA1B2/1 History of Western Kentucky University, Daniel Lee Starnes
UA1B2/1 Integration at Western Kentucky University, Jason Brown
UA1B2/1 International Students History, Nadia DeLeon
UA1B2/1 Ogden College 1877-1966 History in Brief, Daniel Lee Starnes
UA1B2/1 Proclamation, Kentucky. House of Representatives
UA1B2/1 Proclamation, Kentucky. Senate
UA1B2/1 Student Government History, Nadia DeLeon
UA1B2/1 Student Life: Potter, Schneider, Diddle Halls & On-Campus Activities, Kandace Sebastian
UA1B2/1 Student Life Powerpoint Presentation, Kim Purvis
UA1B2/1 The Geographical History of Western Kentucky University, Ali Wright and Kim Tharpe
UA1B2/1 The Jonesville Controversy, Ali Wright
UA1B2/1 The Pleasant J. Potter College, Stephen Gibson
UA1B2/1 War & WKU, Kim Purvis
UA1B2/1 WKU Centennial Calendar of Events, WKU Imagewest
UA1B2/1 WKU Centennial Presentation, WKU Centennial Committee
UA1B2/1 WKU Centennial Presentation - Faculty/Staff, WKU Centennial Committee
UA1C11/29 Franklin Studio Photograph Collection, Franklin Studio and WKU Archives
UA1C11/53 Class of 1920 Calendar Photos, Marjorie Clagett
UA1C11/59 Beta Gamma Sigma Photograph Collection, WKU Archives
UA1C12 11th Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron Broadside, Astin
UA1C12 559th AAA (AW) BN Broadside, Paul Wint Jr.
UA1C12 559th AAA (AW) BN Broadside, Unknown
UA1C12 835th Chemical Co. Air Operations Broadside, W. D. R.
UA1C12 Co. A 27th Tank Battalion, 20th Armored Division Broadside, Unknown
UA1C1/71 WKU Campus View, Western Kentucky University
UA1C3 Class of 1908, WKU Archives
UA1C3 Class of 1910, WKU Archives
UA1C3 Class of 1913, WKU Archives
UA1C3 Class of 1916, WKU Archives
UA1C3 Class of 1917, WKU Archives
UA1C3 Class of 1918, WKU Archives
UA1C3 Class of 1919, WKU Archives
UA1C4/5/251 WKU Student Body, Western Kentucky University
UA1C4/5/252 WKU Student Body, O. T. Ericson
UA1C4/5/253 WKU Male Students, Western Kentucky University
UA1C4/5/254 WKU Student Body, Western Kentucky University
UA1C4/5/255 WKU Student Body, Western Kentucky University
UA1C4/5 WKU Student Body, WKU Archives
UA1C4/5 WKU Student Body, State Journal Company
UA1C4/5 WKU Student Body, WKU Archives
UA1C6/2 WKU Commencement, WKU Archives
UA1C Class of 1912, WKU Archives
UA1C Class of 1920, WKU Archives
UA1C Class of 1921, WKU Archives
UA1F James Ramsey Bibliography, WKU Archives
UA2/3/1 Staff Regent Debate, WKU Archives
UA25 Finance & Administration, WKU Archives
UA30/1/1 Contour Map, Western Kentucky State College, Johnson, Depp & Quisenberry
UA30/1/1 Italiante Garden, WKU Planning, Design & Construction
UA30/1/1 Refrigerator & Storage Basement, WKU Planning, Design & Construction
UA30/2 Parking & Transportation Services, WKU Archives
UA3/1/2/2 Henry Cherry Special Correspondence, WKU Archives
UA3/1/2 Clinic Report, WKU President's Office
UA3/1/2 Henry Cherry - Earl Sullenger Correspondence, T. Earl Sullenger and Henry Cherry
UA3/1/2 Letter to Roemer Brothers, WKU President's Office
UA3/1/5/3 Airplane View College Heights / An Interpretation, Western Kentucky University and J. R. Alexander
UA3/1/5/3 Will You Help? / Catechism, Western Kentucky University and Henry Cherry
UA3/1/7 Campbell / Stahl Wedding Invitation, John Stahl
UA3/1/7 Letter to George Cherry, Henry Cherry
UA3/1/7 Letter to George Cherry, Ariel Cherry
UA3/1/7 Letter to George Cherry, Henry Cherry
UA3/1/7 Letter to George Cherry, Henry Cherry
UA3/1/7 Letter to Henry Cherry, John Cherry
UA3/1/7 Letter to Henry Cherry, Redford Cherry
UA3/1/7 Letter to John Cherry, Henry Cherry
UA3/1/7 Letter to Redford Cherry, Henry Cherry
UA3/1/7 Letter to Redford Cherry, Henry Cherry
UA32/2 Military Student Services, Vol. 1, Issue 1, WKU Military Student Services
UA3/3/1 Commencement Invitation, Glasgow School for Practical Nursing
UA3/3/1 General Area Map - Jonesville Project Area - Scheme 1, Scruggs & Hammond
UA3/3/1 Letter re: Western Area Vocational School, Phillip Hampton
UA3/3/1 Letter re: Western Trade School, Phillip Hampton
UA3/3/1 Letter to Class of 1967 from Lyndon Johnson, Lyndon Johnson
UA3/3/1 Letter to Class of 1968 from Lyndon Johnson, Lyndon Johnson
UA3/3/1 Letter to Class of 1969 from Richard Nixon, Richard Nixon
UA3/3/1 Memo Re: Tuition Reduction for Vocational Schools, Fred Martin
UA3/3/1 Newsletter, Vol. 6, No. 1, Bowling Green-Warren County Chamber of Commerce, Inc.
UA3/3/1 President's Correspondence re: Trade School, WKU President's Office
UA3/3/1 President's Correspondence re: Trade School, WKU President's Office
UA3/3/1 Thank You, Western, Western Kentucky University
UA3/3/1 Unnamed Map of WKU & Jonesville Property, Unknown
UA3/3/1 Unnamed Map of WKU & Jonesville Property, Unknown
UA3/3/1 Unnamed Map of WKU & Jonesville Property, Unknown
UA3/3/1 Western Area Vocational School Personnel Roster, Western Area Vocational School
UA3/3/1 Western Kentucky University, Speech, Kelly Thompson
UA3/4/1 President's Subject File - Trade School, WKU President's Office
UA3/4/1 President's Subject File - Trade School, WKU President's Office
UA3/4/1 President's Subject File - Trade School, WKU President's Office
UA3/4/1 President's Subject File - Trade School, WKU President's Office
UA3/4/8/1 Dero Downing Interview, Dero Downing
UA3/4/8/2 Dero Downing Interview, Dero Downing and WKYU-FM
UA3/4/8/3 Dero Downing Interview, Dero Downing
UA35/11 Honors Program, WKU Archives
UA35/11 WKU Student Honors Research Bulletin, WKU University Honors Program
UA3/5/4/1 John Minton Swearing In, John Minton, Western Kentucky University, Dero Downing, and J. David Cole
UA3/5/4 John Minton Installation File, WKU Archives
UA35/8 The Topper, WKU Veterans Upward Bound
UA35/8 The Topper, Vol. 21, Issue 1, WKU Veterans Upward Bound
UA35 Associate Provost Announcment, WKU Provost and Gordon Emslie
UA35 Dean of the University Libraries at WKU, WKU Provost and Gordon Emslie
UA35 Fall Update from Academic Affairs, WKU Provost and Gordon Emslie
UA35 Provost / Vice President for Academic Affairs, WKU Archives
UA3/6/5/1 NCAA Statement, Donald Zacharias
UA3/6/6/1 WDCL-FM Sign On, Donald Zacharias and J. David Cole
UA3/6/8 Donald Zacharias Installation File, WKU Archives
UA36I/10 Christmas Card, Mary Cloe
UA36I/10 Christmas Card, Mary Cloe
UA36I/2/1 Peggy Keck Interview, Peggy Keck
UA36I/2 Standards, George Page
UA36I/2 The Future, George Page
UA36I/30 Lowell Harrison Faculty/Staff Papers, WKU Archives
UA36I/33 Tate Page Faculty/Staff Papers, WKU Archives
UA36I/34 Biographical Sketch of James Wigtil, Vernon Sheeley
UA36I/34 Correspondence between Vernon Sheeley & James Wigtil, Vernon Sheeley and James Wigtil
UA36I/34 Correspondence between Vernon Sheeley & James Wigtil, Vernon Sheeley and James Wigtil
UA36I/34 Correspondence between Vernon Sheeley & James Wigtil, Vernon Sheeley and James Wigtil
UA36I/34 Letter to James Witgil, Vernon Sheeley
UA36I/34 Letter to James Witgil, Vernon Sheeley
UA36I/34 Letter to James Witgil, Vernon Sheeley
UA36I/34 Letter to Vernon Sheeley & Biographical Data Sheet, James Wigtil
UA36I/5 E.A Diddle Scrapbook - Miscellaneous Clippings, E. A. Diddle
UA36I/5 Hilltoppers Scrapbook, E. A. Diddle
UA36I/5 Hilltoppers Scrapbook, Mary Jo Diddle
UA3/7/1 Kern Alexander Subject/Correspondence File, WKU Archives
UA3/7/4/1 Press Conference, Joe Iracane, Kern Alexander, and Paul Cook
UA3/7/4/2 Press Conference, Kern Alexander
UA3/7/4/3 Press Conference, Joe Iracane
UA3/7/5 Kern Alexander Installation File, WKU Archives
UA3/8/10 Thomas Meredith Installation File, WKU Archives
UA3/8/11 Thomas Meredith Publications, WKU Archives
UA3/8/12 Thomas Meredith Calendar File, WKU Archives
UA3/8/6 Thomas Meredith Committees & Task Forces, WKU Archives
UA3/8 Raymond Preston Health & Activities Center Dedication, WKU President's Office
UA3/8 Raymond Preston Health & Activities Center Groundbreaking, WKU President's Office
UA3/8 Sneaker Preview, WKU President's Office
UA3/8 Sneaker Preview Invitation, WKU President's Office
UA3/8 Swimming Alum Newsletter, Bill Powell
UA3/8 Swimming Alum Newsletter, Bill Powell
UA3/9 2012 Fall Mid-Semester Update, WKU President's Office and Gary Ransdell
UA3/9 2013 Spring Semester Update, WKU President's Office and Gary Ransdell
UA3/9/2 Gary Ransdell Subject File, WKU Archives
UA3/9/3 Gary Ransdell Reading File, WKU Archives, Virginia Brothers, and Aaron Shuford
UA3/9/4 Gary Ransdell Installation File, WKU Archives and Virginia Brothers
UA3/9/5 Gary Ransdell Speech File, WKU Archives
UA3/9/6 Gary Ransdell Interviews & Oral History File, WKU Archives
UA3/9/7 Gary Ransdell Correspondence, WKU Archives
UA3/9 Baker Museum, WKU President's Office and Gary Ransdell
UA3/9 Fall 2012 End of Semester Message, WKU President's Office and Gary Ransdell
UA3/9 Follow-Up to Forum Regarding FY2013-14 Budget, WKU President's Office and Gary Ransdell
UA3/9 FY2013-14 Budget Reduction Plan, WKU President's Office and Gary Ransdell
UA3/9 FY2013-14 Budget Update, WKU President's Office and Gary Ransdell
UA3/9 Grand Opening Invitation, WKU President's Office and Gary Ransdell
UA3/9 Notice of Open Forums, WKU President's Office and Gary Ransdell
UA3/9 Ransdell - May Correspondence, Gary Ransdell and Kevin May
UA3/9 Spring 2013 End of Semester Message, WKU President's Office and Gary Ransdell
UA3/9 Transition, WKU President's Office and Gary Ransdell
UA44/1 Admissions Office Publications, WKU Archives
UA45/1/1 State Normal Bulletin, August 1907, WKU Registrar
UA45/1/1 State Normal Bulletin Vol. 2, No. 3, Western Kentucky University
UA45/1/1 State Normal Bulletin Vol. 2, No. 4, WKU Registrar
UA45/1/1 State Normal Bulletin Vol. 3, No. 4, WKU Registrar
UA45/1/1 State Normal Bulletin, Vol. 5, No. 1, WKU Registrar
UA45/1/3 Fall Semester Registration Guide, WKU Registrar
UA45/1 State Normal Bulletin, Vol. 5, No. 4, Western Kentucky University
UA45/1 WKSNC Catalog, Rural School Number, WKU Registrar
UA45/6 Commencement Program, WKU Registrar
UA45/6 Commencement Program, WKU Registar
UA45/6 Commencement Program, WKU Registrar
UA51/1/4 Collections & Connections, WKU Libraries
UA51/1/4 Collections & Connections, WKU Libraries
UA56/1 Fact Book, WKU Institutional Research
UA56/1 Fact Book, WKU Institutional Research
UA56/1 Fact Book, WKU Institutional Research
UA56/1 Fact Book, WKU Institutional Research
UA56/1 Fact Book, WKU Institutional Research
UA56/1 Fact Book, WKU Institutional Research
UA56/1 Fact Book, WKU Institutional Research
UA56/1 Fact Book, WKU Institutional Research
UA56/1 Fact Book, WKU Institutional Research
UA56/1 Fact Book, WKU Institutional Research
UA56/1 Fact Book, WKU Institutional Research
UA56/1 Fact Book, WKU Institutional Research
UA56/1 Fact Book, WKU Institutional Research
UA56/1 Fact Book, WKU Institutional Research
UA56/1 Fact Book, WKU Institutional Research
UA56/1 Fact Book, WKU Institutional Research
UA56/1 Fact Book, WKU Institutional Research
UA56/1 Fact Book, WKU Institutional Research
UA56/1 Fact Book, WKU Institutional Research
UA56/1 Fact Book, WKU Institutional Research
UA56/1 Fact Book, WKU Institutional Research
UA56/1 Fact Book, WKU Institutional Research
UA56/1 Fact Book, WKU Institutional Research
UA56/1 Fact Book, WKU Institutional Research
UA56/1 Facts at a Glance, WKU Institutional Research
UA56/1 Facts at a Glance, WKU Institutional Research
UA56/1 Facts at a Glance, WKU Institutional Research
UA56/1 Facts at a Glance, WKU Institutional Research
UA56/1 Topper Targets, WKU Institutional Research
UA58/5 Monthly Newsletter, WKU Graduate School and Jim Berger
UA58/5 Monthly Newsletter, WKU Graduate School and Jim Berger
UA58/5 Monthly Newsletter, WKU Graduate School and Jim Berger
UA60/5/1 Scapbook, Junior American Dental Hygienist's Association
UA60/5/1 Scapbook, Junior American Dental Hygienist's Association
UA60/5/1 Scrapbook, Junior American Dental Hygienist's Association
UA60/5/1 Scrapbook, Junior American Dental Hygienist's Association
UA60/5/1 Scrapbook, Junior American Dental Hygienist's Association
UA60/5/1 Scrapbook, Junior American Dental Hygienist's Association
UA60/5/1 Scrapbook, Junior American Dental Hygienist's Association
UA60/5/1 Scrapbook, Junior American Dental Hygienist's Association
UA60/5/3 Ceremony of Capping & Pinning Program, WKU Dental Hygiene
UA60/5/3 Ceremony of Capping & Pinning Program, WKU Dental Hygiene
UA60/5/3 Ceremony of Capping & Pinning Program, WKU Dental Hygiene
UA60/5/3 Ceremony of Capping & Pinning Program, WKU Dental Hygiene
UA60/5/3 Ceremony of Capping & Pinning Program, WKU Dental Hygiene
UA60/5/3 Ceremony of Capping & Pinning Program, WKU Dental Hygiene
UA61/1 Nursing, WKU Archives
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 1966, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 1967, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 1968, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 1970, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 1971, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 1972, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 1973, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 1974, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 1975, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 1975, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 1976, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 1976, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 1977, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 1977, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 1978, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 1978, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 1979, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 1982, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 1982, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 1983, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 1983, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 1984, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 1984, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 1985, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 1986, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 1986, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 1986, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 1987, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 1987, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 1987, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 1988, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 1988, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 1988, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 1989, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 1990, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 1990, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 1990, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 1991, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 1991, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 1992, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 1992, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 1992, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 1993, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 1994, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 1995, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 1996, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 1996, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 1997, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 1997, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 1998, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 1998, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 1998, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 1999, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 1999, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 2000, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 2001, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 2002, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 2002, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 2003, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 2003, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 2004, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 2004, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 2005, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 2006, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 2006, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 2007, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 2008, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 2008, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 2009, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 2009, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 2010, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 2010, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 2011, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Class 2011, WKU Nursing
UA61/1 WKU Nursing Classes 2006 & 2007, WKU Nursing
UA62 Gordon Ford College of Business, WKU Archives
UA64/14 Student Teacher Placement Cards - Miller-Moreland Surnames, WKU Archives
UA64/14 Student Teacher Placement Cards - Morgan-Myles Surnames, WKU College of Education
UA64 College of Education & Behavioral Sciences, WKU Archives
UA66/15/1 Student Nurse, Vol. 1, Issue 1, WKU Nursing
UA66/15/1 Student Nurse, Vol. 1, Issue 2, WKU Nursing
UA66/5/2 Newsletter, WKU Department of Agriculture
UA66/5/2 Newsletter, WKU Department of Agriculture
UA68/1/1 Dean Potter College of Arts & Letters - Administration File, WKU Archives
UA68/13/5 Imagewest International Happenings, Vol. 6, No. 1, ImageWest International
UA68/4/1 Politicking, Vol. 1, No. 1, WKU Political Science
UA68/9/2 Bands, Ensembles & Orchestras, WKU Archives
UA6 Lost River Cave: Old Developments, New Developments, Kenneth W. Smith
UA77/1 Those Fabulous Fifties, WKU Alumni Relations
UA77/1 Western Alumnus, May, WKU Alumni Relations
UA77/1 Western Alumnus, Vol. 40, No. 2, WKU Alumni Relations
UA77/1 WKU Spirit, WKU Alumni Relations
UA7 Office of Research & Economic Development, WKU Archives
UA80/1 Meeting Minutes, W Club
UA80/1 Meeting Minutes, W Club
UA80/1 Meeting Minutes, W Club
UA80/1 Meeting Minutes, W Club