Theses and Specialist projects from 1936
A Contract Plan for Teaching American Literature in High School, Elizabeth Stagner
Social-Business Curricula for the Training of Commercial Teachers, Carlos Steed
English Hyms and Hymn Writers of the Eighteenth Century, Hazel Turbeville
The Development of Education in Bowling Green, Kentucky, Lula Dickey Vance
The Choral Speaking Movement, Chloe Wade
Pigment Migration in the Eye of Forbesichthys Papilliferus, Harld Welborn
The Value of High School Physics to the College Student, Emery White
Some Common Errors in English Made by Business College Students in Daily Transcription Work, Homer Williams
Annie Fellows Johnston & the Little Colonel Books, Gladys Wilson
An Interpretive Study of Some Kentucky Biologists, Rachel Winstead
Herrick & His Horatian Influence, Maude Wright
Theses and Specialist projects from 1935
Alexander Campbell in Kentucky, Leo Ashby
Edward Eggletson: Sources and Backgrounds of His Novels, Anne Barnes
Analysis of Errors Made by 717 Collge Students in Arithmetic, O.D. Barnes
Predictive Value of Matriculation Examinations, Walter Boehme
Efficiency of Consolidated Schools, S. A. Breeding
Remedial Measures Suggested by a Diagnosis of the Eighth Grade Tests in Warren County Schools, Carl Chaney
A Survey of Commercial Education in the Public High Schools of Kentucky, Lillian Fitz-Hugh
Typewriting, Shorthand, Business Correspondence, & Office Training in Secondary Schools & the Need for Correlation, Fannie Harrington
Psychological Tests and College Success, George Helm
The Kentucky Novels of James Lane Allen, Hessie Brister Ivey
Kentucky Literary Magazines Since 1900, Virginia Miles
A Comparison of Teachers' Marks in One-Room & Two-Room Schools with those in the Seventh, Eighth & Ninth Grades in Larger Schools, Orbrie Morris
A Comparative Histological Study of the Eyes of Certain Cave Animals, William Owsley
The Phaenogams of Western Kentucky University State Teachers College, Gertrude Raymond
A Comparative Pollution Study of the Domestic Water Supply of Warren County, Kentucky, Glenn Scott
A Comparative Study of the New-Type & Old-Type Assignment, Mary Tanner
The Solution of Ordinary & Partial Differential Equations in Series, Kenneth Wood
Theses and Specialist projects from 1934
A Study of the Critical Factors that Affect the Achievement of Probation Students, Eurena Dawson
The Efficiency of Laboratory Work in Geography, Fred Edwards
Alice Hegan Rice, Lena Collins Ellis
The Status of State Teachers College Bands, Nathalee Ewing
Superstitions of Grayson County, Elza Fentress
Early Literary Magazines in Kentucky, 1800-1900, Robert M. Ferry
A Comparative Study of the Athlete & the Non-Athlete in the Department of Physical Education at the Western Kentucky State Teachers College, Robert Francis
John G. Fee and Berea College, Flora Jones
A Study of Secondary Education in Muhlenberg County, James Martin
The Bottom Fauna of Drakes Creek: A Quantitative & Qualitative Study, Theodore Milam
The Algae of a Transient Lake in Kentucky, Fred Mutchler
Studies on a Cave Fish of Uncertain Classification, Jennie Miller Orr
Benjamin Orr Peers: Educator, Auguston Page
Causes of Absences in the Rural Schools of Grayson County, Kentucky, Edward Robinson
Isaac Shelby: Pioneer, Soldier, Statesman, Mrs. W. E. Shirley
The Status of the City Superintendent of Schools in Kentucky, Robert Stevenson
Trends of Municipal Expenditures in Second Class Cities of Kentucky from 1926 to 1933, Howard Taylor
Education in Clay County, Rupert Walters
Bacteria & Nitrate Nitrogen Content of the Water of Barren River, Gilbert Westerfield
A Teacher Retirement System for Kentucky, Mrs. W. E. Willis
The Relation of Training & Experience to Success in the Rural Schools of Butler County, W. E. Willis